EXIF(Exchangeable Image File Format)是一种用于在数字图像文件中存储元数据的标准格式。其基本原理包括以下几个方面: 数据结构:EXIF 元数据以二进制格式存储在图像文件的特定部分,通常是 JPEG、TIFF 或 RAW 格式的文件。这些元数据以数据块(Data Block)的形式组织,每个数据块包含一个或多个标签(Tag),用于描述图像...
Exif inserts some of image/digicam information data and thumbnail image to JPEG in conformity to JPEG specification.Therefore you can view Exif format image files by JPEG compliant Internet browser/Picture viewer/Photo retouch software etc. as a usual JPEG image files. 简单来说,EXIF 信息就是由...
Exchangeable image file format (Exif or EXIF) is a format used for images shot on digital cameras and drones that include metadata for the image including coordinates and other GPS information. The Extract EXIF data tool in ArcGIS for SharePoint allows you to extract selected metadata from EXIF...
0:Auto Focus good, 1:Out of focus. 0x1302 AE warning Unsigned short 1 Auto Exposure warning status. 0:AE good, 1:Over exposure (>1/1000s,F11). Appendix 5: MakerNote of Canon The data below was primarily analysed by David Burren and the master version of this information is available ...
Using a Website to View EXIF Data Perhaps one of the easiest ways to view EXIF data is to upload your image(s) to a website. This has its advantages in being easy to find and operate. It can also take much longer and require more effort because you will need to upload your image(...
While many photographers choose to retain EXIF data in their images, this information does not show up when looking at photos through web browsers, because it is not part of the actual image. Instead, EXIF data is embedded in the physical file, and specific tools that are capable of reading...
but it appears even the Path property for the XLabs Media Picker isn't the "real" path to a jpg, because there is no meta data for that image either when debugging. How can I determine the "real" location of the file? There has to be a version of the jpg somewhere on the device...
1、元数据 元数据(Metadata),又称中介数据、中继数据,为描述数据的数据(data about data),主要是描述数据属性(property)的信息。用来支持如指示存储位置、历史数据、资源查找、文件记录等功能。 元数据是关于数据的组织、数据域及其关系的信息,简言之,元数据就是
(Binary data 32 bytes, use -b option to extract) IPTC Digest : d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e Image Width : 1604 Image Height : 2048 Encoding Process : Progressive DCT, Huffman coding Bits Per Sample : 8 Color Components : 3 Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling : YCbCr4:2:0 (2 2) Image ...
There are a number of ways to access your photos' EXIF data, depending on how much information you need to view: Within Your Operating System You can view EXIF info directly from your operating system's file manager: Windows- Right-click on an image, select "Properties", and switch to th...