March 20, 2025Exide Technologies achieves EcoVadis GOLD medal… March 13, 2025Exide Technologies extends ‘ready-to-go’… March 12, 2025Exide Technologies to present latest energy… March 05, 2025Exide Technologies to showcase smart fleet…...
February 28, 2025Exide Technologies and LIQUI MOLY Dynavolt Intact… February 20, 2025Exide Technologies achieves ISO 27001… February 12, 2025Exide Technologies unveils a fresh new label… February 03, 2025Exide Technologies unveils new Solition…...
September 25, 2023Exide Technologies' Customized Energy… May 16, 2023Exide plant honoured by Jaguar Land Rover April 03, 2023Exide launches specific chargers for its Marine… ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER Trusted by leading vehicle manufacturers, our batteries are made in certified plants across Euro...
Vrijopnaam: Integrating a new storage system and "in-front and behind the meter" solution with Exide Technologies to optimize energy management, boost efficiency, and reduce carbon footprint. Find out more Agricultural sector: Installing a battery storage system for peak-shaving enables the use of...
Exide Technologies在电池存储解决方案领域处于行业领先地位,倡导创新、可持续发展和向环保能源转型。Exide Technologies凭借其尖端的产品和对客户满意度的执着,正在塑造能源存储的未来,并为一个更可持续、更有弹性的世界做出贡献。Exide Technologies的定制能源系统(CES)在以下方面发挥着关键作用:储存能力:提供大量储存...
埃克塞德科技集团(Exide Technologies)1888年创立于美国,是全球较大的铅酸蓄电池制造商,业务遍布世界100多个国家和地区,在全球十多个国家拥有40多家生产工厂。公司产品四大应用领域包括网络储能电源、动力电源、汽车电池以及军事应用。 埃克塞德锂电池 GNB工业能源(GNB Industrial Power)是埃克塞德科技集团旗下工业...
Exide Technologies hat sich zu Innovation und Exzellenz in Technik und Herstellung verpflichtet. Mit einem Team von 5.000 Mitarbeitern stellen wir jedes Jahr ein Volumen von 1,6 Milliarden Euro an Energiespeicherlösungen und -dienstleistungen für Kunden weltweit bereit. ...
Li-ion batteries – ready to make an impact this boating season. Boat owners know the frustration of finding their batteries flat or damaged after months of winter storage. The new sleep mode function from Exide Technologies, however, addresses this issue. It ensures batteries remain in optimal ...
EXIDE Technologies AGM & GEL Sealed Batteries Auto EXIDE Technologies developed ranges of product where the high reliability combines with very low gas emission and maintenance requirement: AGM, with absorbed electrolyte, and GEL, with gelled electrolyte.AGM is the best starter battery and has a good...