Home/Enterprise Performance Management Release 11.2 Oracle® Hyperion Financial Reporting Guia do Usuário Page 126 of 184 A imagem a seguir apresenta um livro gerado como um HTML estático e iniciado em um navegador. A saída mostra um layout personalizado, conteúdo definido p...
Companies collaborating to develop new products need to implement an effective management of their design processes (DPs). Unfortunately, PLM systems dedicated to support design activities are not efficient as it might be expected. DPs are changing, emergent and non deterministic whereas PLM sys- ...
立即下载8k超清中国风背景,主色调为红色和金色,配以黑色和白色。背景为红色,带有金色的花纹和祥云,点缀着红色灯笼、金色祥云、红色和金色的边框、红色和金色的花纹、红色和金色的烟花、红色和金色的蝴蝶结,整体设计简 立即下载8k超清插画,中国风,主色调为红色、金色和粉色,背景为浅蓝色。三幅横幅装饰画,第一幅横幅...
东边游鹅西边叫(打一“字谜”) 随机推荐谜语 独往观青简(打一“字谜”) 独为生计添白头(打一“字谜”) 独卧看山初月斜(打一“字谜”) 独卧庐山云雾中(打一“字谜”) 独卧青灯古佛旁(打一“字谜”) 独卧幽篁灯暗淡(打一“字谜”) 独沿曲径上西楼(打一“字谜”) ...
Specifically, the present application is directed to a method of displaying an image comprising providing a substrate with an irregular surface and applying an adhesive article to the substrate. The adhesive article comprises a film layer, and an adhesive layer. The film layer comprises a ...
f1exibi1ity for intergenerationa1 justice in c1imate resi1ience decision making an app1ication on sea 1eve1 rise in the nether1andsTo adapt to a changing climate, decision-makers design, evaluate, and implement measures that have an implication of justice on citizens in the present and well ...
an improved re1axed comp1eicscheme for receptor f1exibi1ity in computer aided drug designThe interactions among associating (macro)mol- ecules are dynamic, which adds to the complexity of molecular recognition. While ligand flexibility is well accounted for in computational drug design, the ...
f1exibi1ity of a biotiny1ated 1igand in artificia1 meta11oenzymes based on streptavidin an insight from mo1ecu1ar dynamics simu1ations with c1assica1 and ab initio force fie1dsIn the field of enzymatic catalysis, creating activity from a non catalytic scaffold is a daunting task. ...