The meaning of EXHAUSTIVE is including all possibilities : thorough. How to use exhaustive in a sentence.
The meaning of EXHAUSTIVE is including all possibilities : thorough. How to use exhaustive in a sentence.
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
Exhaustive means performed comprehensively and completely. When you recruit a new employee (or spouse), you undertake an exhaustive search for the best talent.
we defined the basic search string from three key terms, each of them consisted of a set of keywords and their synonyms. The keywords and their synonyms are shown inTable 1. The first term (A) refers to the social domain, which covers strings that express the meaning ofsocial relationships...
•The list is neitherexhaustivenordefinitive.•The time forexhaustivereadingis when you have worked out your own ideas with somefullnessand inspiritofdiscovery.•Therescueteammade anexhaustivesearchof the area.•Anexhaustivesearch throughstudentrecordswasconductedtoanswerthreemainquestions: 1.list .....
H0759אַרְמוֹן'armown {ar-mone'} From an unused root (meaning to be elevated); a citadel (from its height).|Lexicon & Concordance|| Search|Promote|Comment|About| SearchPromoteCommentAbout ...
It is concluded that the search model adequately explains the procedure whereby the most common meaning of a homograph is accessed, but that the less common meaning is accessed in some completely different manner.doi:10.3758/BF03213255Kenneth I. Forster...
Testing Instructions Take a look at the lint check, part of the static analysis: You should see warnings for all files we're touching You should see no ESLint errors. Testing Instructions for Keyboard Same Screenshots or screencast None
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