Brooks WM, Lash H, Kettle AJ, Epton MJ: Optimising hydrogen peroxide measurement in exhaled breath condensate. Redox Rep. 2006, 11 (2): 78-84. 10.1179/135100006X101011.Brooks WM, Lash H, Kettle AJ, Epton MJ. Optimising hydrogen peroxide measurement in exhaled breath condensate. Redox Rep....
H.H. conceived and designed the experiments. G.P. fabricated the sensors, performed the sensing experiments and analysed the pertinent data. O.A. conducted the synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles. M.H. conducted the GC-MS experiments. N.Sh. and U.B. collected the breath samp...
In such studies / experiments animal and / or human models are used. No medical purpose is defined, as the specimens taken are not being used for the purpose identified in the definition of an IVD device in the IVD Directive, article 1 2(b). In such practice there is no potential to ...
… We characterised the exhaled breath condensate (EBC) metabolome from preterm-born …EBC was collected in a standardised manner using a cooling tube (RTube®, Respiratory … Hands-on: Hands-on: Annotating a protein list identified by LC-MS/MS experiments V Loux, F Combes, D Christiany,...
Across the United States, there is increased use of cannabis products and electronic delivery systems for cannabis products and nicotine, yet little is known about their impacts on lung health. We analyzed exhaled breath condensate of 254 participants wh
Complementary experiments optimising the breath collection procedure have shown that the sampling methodology simply measures alveolar breath unconta- minated by upper airways release and exogenous compounds. Exhaled breath is a mixture of alveolar air and respiratory dead space air. The dead space was ...
Conclusion: The presented results could lead to the development of a cost-effective, fast, and reliable method for the differential diagnosis of HNC that is based on breath testing with an NA-NOSE, with a future potential as screening tool.Similar...
Experiments to determine the effect of breathing rate on ReCIVA function, using guided breathing for low (7.5 breaths min 展开 关键词: Respiration Collector for In Vitro Analysis (ReCIVA) GC-MS thermal desorption exhaled breath Tenax TA Tenax Carbograph 5TD standardization ...
We identified seasonal human coronaviruses, influenza viruses and rhinoviruses in exhaled breath and coughs of children and adults with acute respiratory illness. Surgical face masks significantly reduced detection of influenza virus RNA in respiratory droplets and coronavirus RNA in aerosols, with a tren...
Researchers investigating lung diseases, such as asthma, have questioned whether certain compounds previously reported in exhaled breath condensate (EBC) originate from saliva contamination. Moreover, despite its increasing use in ‘omics profiling studi