Focus on things like: keeping a straight back looking forward so your neck isn’t tweaked into an awkward position bending at the knees Paying attention to these things will provide you with proper muscle growth, and benefit you definitely in the long run. Speed Muscle cars are fast, but go...
Get going on your fitness journey with this full expert guide on how to workout safely, fuel your training with proper nutrition and recover well.
But if you are overweight or obese, taking up exercise can place great strain on your joints, particularly the articulating surface, the cartilage surface of bones that contact each other. So hips, knees and ankles can become inflamed and painful. So it may be best to include exercise that ...
So much of health has to do with what we put into our systems, and we’re just beginning to understand the ramifications. The positive health potential is staggering. Sure, most of us grasp that movement is good for our knees, our hips, our hamstring muscles, and other tissues like fasci...
If you jump in the water on a sticky day, you get wet (the minimum effective dose). Shooting yourself in the face with a Super-Soaker won’t make you any wetter. But it might sting a little. Same with nutrition and exercise. To stick with the example of protein above, eating more ...
I waited with dread for him to start driving. And I waited up every time he came home late. I wait for my son to grow up, but that doesn’t mean the waiting game is over. It never really ends. Mothers wait for all kinds of reasons—good news or bad, happiness or heartache. But...
Why we need to gather, dream, and amplify louder and prouder in 2023 and beyond: A Pride month special with Zendesk’s Scott Morris In a candid interview, Zendesk Acting Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Sponsor of the Pride employee committee, Scott Morris, shines a light on why it's...