Mobility is another essential aspect of skiing, as it allows skiers to perform a wide range of movements, such as changing body positions, turning, and adjusting to varying terrain. Improved mobility can enhance a skier’s ability to navigate the slopes with greater ease and agility. Lastly, c...
“Unlike some people who are lucky enough to spend full seasons each year on snow, I need to rely on dryland training to get in shape for skiing, to ensure that I can hit the slopes at full speed once the season starts, and to avoid the injuries which are a risk for all skiers but...
Prepare for your ski holiday with ski exercises from Peak Condition….click here to watch episode 3
There is a real difference between being generally fit (as I thought I was) and being ski-fit, based on exercises that really push you to use the muscles that work the hardest when skiing. I highly recommend Matt and his SnowFIT programme. John DixonHardcore Skiier SnowFIT has helped me...
I have made it my mission to help everyday snowboarders like you get functionally fit and strong using thelatest exercise science, so that you can be ready to ride hard all over the mountain this season as soon as the fresh snow hits!
Injuries happen when tissues are exposed to a load for which they are not prepared. The exercises included in this program specifically target and strengthen the muscle groups utilized during skiing to both heighten your performance potential and better protect your joints from injury. Performing these...
“For a dynamic sport like skiing, doing a dynamic squat from side to side really helps prepare the athlete for the terrain and variations in terrain they are going to be skiing,” says Stone. “If your goal is to be a dynamic skier, then exercises you do that reproduce the sport are...
“For a dynamic sport like skiing, doing a dynamic squat from side to side really helps prepare the athlete for the terrain and variations in terrain they are going to be skiing,” says Stone. “If your goal is to be a dynamic skier, then exercises you do that reproduce the sport are...
The inspiration for this exercise might come from skiing, but it's also an effective way to prepare your midsection for many sports, including tennis, softball, and golf. The reason: "It trains your abs, lower back, and hips to work together to rotate your body from side to side," says...
“For a dynamic sport like skiing, doing a dynamic squat from side to side really helps prepare the athlete for the terrain and variations in terrain they are going to be skiing,” says Stone. “If your goal is to be a dynamic skier, then exercises you do that reproduce the sport are...