It is very important to lose belly fat in the childhood years to keep them healthy before reaching adulthood. Fat is stored nearly everywhere on the body, but mostly it will build up quicker in the belly area. The good thing is there are plenty of exercises to do to remove this unwanted...
The lunge twist is one of the best exercises to tone your abdominal fat and lose some body weight. Start by standing with your feet about hip-width apart. Keep your knees bent and your elbows bent and by your hips. The angle should be about 90 degrees. Lunge your right foot forward. ...
This chest workout by Roelly Winklaar is pretty intense and would really help for people with Pectus Carinatum. You don’t have to do the amount of weight this guy is doing but still try to do the same amount of reps and sets. I have done many workout very similar to this and seen ...