{ "slug": "fizzbuzz", "uuid": "mumblety-peg-whatever", "core": false, "unlocked_by": "two-fer", "difficulty": 1, "topics": ["conditionals"] }See Exercism Docs: config.json for more info.Exercise files: OverviewFor any exercise you may see a number of files present in a ...
Conditionals and comparison Exercise_24 create a program, which asks the user for an integer. If the given integer is larger than 120, output "Speeding!". Your speed: > 5 Your speed: 125 Speeding! Exercise_25 create a program which asks for an integer. If the integer is 1984, output ...
Additional predicates can also be defined with biconditionals. Represent the property “xx is an even number.” Represent the property “xx is prime.” Goldbach’s conjecture is the conjecture (unproven as yet) that every even number is equal to the sum of two primes. Represent this ...
Conditionals 6. Infinitive 7. Gerund, infinitive and participles 8. Passive 9. Indirect speech 10. Purpose 1. Articles: a/an Insert a or an if necessary. 1. My neighbour is ___a photographer; let’s ask him for ___X advice about colour films. 2. We had ___ X fish and ___ X...
; Note: I really hate how I solved this, the conditionals inside the ; let statement evaluates pair? of the car and the cdr of the cons cell ; that just had pair? evaluated on it. The cyclomatic complexity is ; high, just to avoid passing atoms into count-leaves. There has to be ...
Conditionals Loops What are filters? Do you have experience with writing filters? Write a filter to capitalize a string def cap(self, string): return string.capitalize() You would like to run a task only if previous task changed anything. How would you achieve that? What are callback pl...
Conditionals Loops ⭐ Advanced What are filters? Do you have experience with writing filters? Write a filter to capitalize a string You would like to run a task only if previous task changed anything. How would you achieve that? What are callback plugins? What can you achieve by using cal...
ConditionalsRead a number from the user and check whether it's even. If it's even, print "yay". If it's not, print "nay" x = int(input()) if x % 2 == 0: print("yay") else: print("nay")Loopsgiven an integer (n) print all the numbers between 0 and n (including n) ...
Statements are instructions executed by the interpreter like variable assignments, for loops and conditionals (if-else). What is Object Oriented Programming? Why is it important? Are you familiar with SOLID design principals? SOLID design principals are about: Make it easier to extend the functio...
{ "slug": "fizzbuzz", "uuid": "mumblety-peg-whatever", "core": false, "unlocked_by": "two-fer", "difficulty": 1, "topics": ["conditionals"] }See Exercism Docs: config.json for more info.Exercise files: OverviewFor any exercise you may see a number of files present in a ...