Indiana, says “If you’ve ever seen a guy walk with a forward lean, it’s often because of shortened hip flexors. The muscles don’t stretch as they naturally should. As a result, he’s notwalkingtall andstraightbecause his fascia has adapted more to sitting than standing...
The most commonexercise to reduce tummyis the stomach crunch. This involves lying flat and sitting up repeatedly while keeping the legs flat on the floor. This tightens and loosens the muscles of the tummy. When this is done along with regular exercises, the body will be well toned. Alterna...
Stretches to Open Your Hips The more and more I work with my clients, the more and more I understand the need to add in hip flexor mobility movements to their overall training. Hip flexors are important – they attach to your spine and pelvis, and play a big role in your posture. Man...
I pushed myself again to exercise and after a while stopped again. The same pattern kept repeating. I would exercise and fall off the wagon and stop. Later that fall, I met a
Similar to your hip flexors, your shoulders get a bit of a workout during the dead bug. As you send your arms back towards the ground, your shoulders and all accompanying stabilizers (think the traps, lats, and serratus here) are in high demand. ...