tomography revealed a higher overall sensitivity than exercise testing (94 vs 60%, P < 0.001), but dobutamine stress echocardiography showed a higher specificity than both technetium-99m isonitrile single-photon emission computed tomography and exercise testing (86 vs 64%, P < 0.05, for both ...
Dobutamine or adenosine stress test:This is for people unable to exercise. You’ll take a drug to make the heart respond as if you wereexercising. This way, the doctor can still determine if there are blockages in thearteries. Stressechocardiogram:Anechocardiogram(often called "echo") is a ...
Cardiopulmonary exercise test with stress echocardiography in COVID-19 survivors at 6 months follow-up. Eur J Intern Med. 2021;94:101-104. doi:10.1016/j.ejim.2021.10.004 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 67. Barbara C, Clavario P, De Marzo V, et al. Effects of ...
Briefly, a gradient-echo sequence was modified to make the signal phase dependent on velocity using a through-slice velocity-encoding gradient. A 1D projection of the 2D slice was produced perpendicular to the readout direction by omitting the phase-encoding gradient. By orientating the slice ...
PWV changes during dobutamine stress test were studied by Puntmann et al. [40], who found that PWV increased in men but not women. Steeden et al. [15] also found reduced vascular compliance at exercise using pressure-flow relationships in 20 asymptomatic volunteers. Limitations The limited ...
Cardiac function was detected using echocardiograph after 4 or 8 weeks of MIE. Figure 2A, B showed that sedentary mice who were fed HFCD for 4 weeks showed no change in cardiac function indicators compared with those who were fed CD, indicating optimal cardiac function. However, mice who ...
The ‘fight or flight’ response to physiological stress involves sympathetic nervous system activation, catecholamine release and adrenergic receptor stimulation. In the heart, this induces positive inotropy, previously attributed to the β1-adrenergic receptor subtype. However, the role of the α1A-ad...
These echo the results of a recent meta-analysis which found the magnitude of muscle strength increases to be greater in resistance training loads above 60% 1-RM compared to resistance training below 60% 1-RM [68]. Interestingly, while high-load resistance training is necessary to maximise ...
To test this hypothesis, we performed CMR imaging and exercise stress testing among young adults born SGA and control young adults, with the aim of evaluating baseline cardiac structure and function and response to exercise. Methods Study Design This ambispective cohort study included young adults (...
First, the time to image acquisition exceeded the limit advocated in stress echo guidelines, which is relevant since treadmill stress CMR requires image acquisition after completion of exercise just like stress echo. Technical advances that allow placement of the treadmill immediately next to the ...