englishpage.comHome > Mini-Grammar Tutorials > Subjunctive > Exercise Subjunctive Exercisef t pFill in the blanks below with the correct form of the verb in parentheses, then click the "Check" button to check your answers. Negative, passive and continuous subjunctive forms are possible. Use ...
The available data suggest that physically active individuals have a lower risk of lung cancer; however, it is difficult to completely account for the risks of active and passive cigarette smoking as well as radon exposure. There is little information on the role of physical activity in ...
6.(often passive) to occupy the attentions of, esp so as to worry or vex:to be exercised about a decision. 7.(Military)militaryto carry out or cause to carry out, manoeuvres, simulated combat operations, etc n 8.physical exertion, esp for the purpose of development, training, or keeping...
passive ___→___ pasivo; physical ___→___ físico. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 exercise nejercicio;Kegel exercisesejercicios de Kegel;regular physical —ejercicio físico regular;stretching exercisesejercicios de estiramiento;warmup exercisesejercicios de calentamiento;vtejercitar...
clients may allow themselves to perform the practices with a passive attentive attitude that may facilitate healing. For that moment, the client forgets the painful past and a future expectances that are fraught with promises of continued pain and inactivity. At moment, the pain cycle is interrupt...
16 Active and passive voice in German [0/2] Exercise of passive and active (Score -/-) Exercise of active and passive voice in German (Score -/-) 17 Participle in German [0/6] Exercise of regular weak verbs (Score -/-) Exercise of separable and inseparable verbs (Score -/-...
Passive Voice Exercise | CBSE English Grammarby Manjusha · November 12, 2015 Complete the following sentences using an appropriate passive verb form. 1. The injured woman ———- by some boys. a) helped b) was helped c) was helping 2. His command ——— promptly obeyed. a) has b) w...
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English should be taught free! Passive voice with modals exercises with answers for students and teachers
Training on an elliptical may seem a passive exercise, but in the real sense, it burns more fats than you can imagine. An elliptical trainer is the best choice if you have problems with joints. It is a low impact exercise. However, to get the best results, practice for considerably longe...