You should write a book.” Now if you had asked my opinion several years ago, I would have thought the world already had more than enough books, magazines, and infomercials dedicated to the goal of helping people lose weight and feel better. As it turns out, I was wrong. There is an...
(original equipment manufacturer) 原始设备 opportunity cost 机会成 本 制造商 opportunity overall quality 总体质量 identification 机会识别 off-invoice discounts 发 opportunity/threat 票之外的折扣 matrix 机会/威胁矩阵 offsets 抵消交易 Omega 欧米加 on-air testing 广播测试 OPEC (Organization of Petroleum ...
Spring has sprung and I’ve been getting those emails for a month or so asking for advice on how to get on and stay on an exercise program. I get questions about commitment, pushing one’s limits, pain, and quick results. I go a little crazy at this time of year because I’m at ...