exercise bike- an exercise device resembling a stationary bike exercycle exercise device- a device designed to provide exercise for the user Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
例句: I'm going to spend a few more minutes on the exercise bike. 我要在健身脚踏车上再锻炼一会儿。 更多信息: exercise (锻炼;运动;健身):You don't exercise enough. 你运动不够。 bike (自行车):She got on her b...
厂家热卖 直销新款exercise bike织带健身车 动感单车x bike 永康市岳达工贸有限公司6年 浙江 金华市 ¥444.60 exercise bike卧式健身家用静音动感单车室内康复训练运动自行车 杭州建德瞳单贸易商行(个体工商户)1年 回头率:11.3% 浙江 杭州市 ¥33.00
exercise bike 英[ˈeksə baik]美[ˈɛksɚˌsaɪz baɪk]释义 常用 牛津词典 释义 [体]室内健身自行车; 复数:exercise bikes 双语例句 全部 1. Of course, inside each cell to the exercise bike was a lot. 当然各个小区里面用来锻炼的自行车倒是不少. 来自互联网 2. I'm going to...
必应词典为您提供exercisebike的释义,n. (室内使用的)健身脚踏车; 网络释义: 健身车;健身单车;室内健身自行赛;
求购2024夏 家用健身车exercise bike磁控车动感直立式风扇车 x bike家庭自行 采购详情 询价单编号:ZGC6592***981 询价单有效期:至2024***入驻工厂可见 订单备注:***入驻工厂可见相似工厂 健身车类精选货源 永康市奢豪健身器材厂 踏步机健身车 4600m²金华 98%响应率 深度验厂 款式很好看 厦门有鑫运动器材有...
Exercise bike 家用健身车室内多功能磁控车Xbike运动器材跨境 郑州蓝鸥健身器材有限公司 7年 回头率: 41.1% 河南 郑州市中原区 ¥490.00 成交60台 BM2工厂批发动感单车健身器材家用健身车运动脚踏车跨境健身房用 石狮市婉禾坂源网络服装商行 2年 回头率: 34.8% 福建 石狮市 ¥437.00 成交54台 Exe...
The Carol bike’s REHIT workouts are HIIT workouts reimagined. With their key workout consisting of only 2 x 20 second maximum effort sprints, you’ll be done in no time. The hardest part about these workouts is learning to dig deep and give your maximum effort during these short bouts....
Bodybuilding Aluminum Alloy Spinning Exercise Bike With Height Adjustment $45.00 - $48.00 Min. order: 100 pieces Professional Luxury Spinning Indoor Cycling Bikes Spinning Bike Made In China $57.50 - $58.50 Min. order: 100 pieces Factory Directly Sale Price X Bike Portable Home Gym Exercise Spin ...
Home Use Cycle Machine Fitness Bicycle Unisex Adjustable Air Bike $52.00 - $66.00 Min. order: 50 pieces Fitness equipment body fit Upright fitness exercise indoor bike spin bike Recumbent Bike for sale $110.00 Min. order: 50 pieces Indoor Home Adjustable Magnetic Xbike with 4 KG fkywheel Stami...