These benefits are known as perks not included in the salary and wages but paid on a reimbursement and non-cash basis. Q2: Who will benefit from China’s extended tax policy on foreigner’s IIT fringe benefits? A2: All foreign individuals working in China as well companies trying to retain...
Section 10(6)(viii) –salary income earned by an individual who is a non –resident when employed on a foreign ship would be exempted from tax. However, for claiming the exemption, the individual should not have stayed in India for more than 90 days in the previous year. Section 10(6)...
Sometimes employer facilitates deductions from employee's salary once in a year or any other frequency suggested by employee to contribute to the relevant Funds/Trusts etc. so that employee can avail deductions under section 80 and / or rebate under section 88....
Want to know about special allowances and how to calculate special allowance in salary? Learn all about what is special allowance in this article.
EduSpiral Consultant Services4 years ago030 mins Increased Demand for Well Trained Accountants in Malaysia Written by EduSpiral Consultant Services For more information contact 01111408838 More accountants are needed for Malaysia to achieve Vision 2020 and be known as a high-income nation, said Malaysia...
The waiver will also apply for a period of three months from April to June for employees of companies operating in the tourism and hotel sector who earn up to 150,000 Rwandan francs net salary, the statement said. The government also exempted masks made in Rwanda to prevent COVID-19 spread...
(or any salary level) that definitively rules out many employees from the 13(a)(1) exemptions when their job duties would otherwise qualify them for the executive, administrative, or professional exemptions is unlawful and improper, and incons...
Apart from his salary, the husband’s only other income was his share of the interest from a jointly held building society deposit account. It was necessary to restrict his personal allowance. In addition to her salary and partnership trading profit, the wife had the use of a company car, ...