The meaning of EXEMPT is free or released from some liability or requirement to which others are subject. How to use exempt in a sentence.
Partner Gregg Kahn addresses exempt versus non-exempt, payment of overtime and other wage-and-hour issues that may arise in the remote working context. CLE Credit is available in California, Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey, New York. HRCI and SHRM credits pending....
California’s overtime law requires employers to pay nonexempt employees one-and-a-half times their regular hourly rate of pay for: All hours worked in excess of 8 in a single workday, All hours worked in excess of 40 in a single workweek, and The first 8 hours worked on the seventh...
freeadj. 自由的;免费的;免税的;空闲的; nontaxable不纳税的 off the hook未挂上;摆脱困境; excusen.借口;理由;道歉; offprep. 从…落下;离开;从…去掉;下班; releasev.释放;松开;发泄;解雇;(使)放松;公布; let off使某物爆炸; relievedadj.放心的;宽慰的; ...
nonexempt - (of persons) not exempt from an obligation or liability 2. exempt - (of goods or funds) not subject to taxation; "the funds of nonprofit organizations are nontaxable"; "income exempt from taxation" nontaxable exempt - (of persons) freed from or not subject to an obligation ...
Definition of Exempt Status in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Exempt Status? Meaning of Exempt Status as a finance term. What does Exempt Status mean in finance?
partnerships among foundations and joint ventures. We have also convinced the IRS that the excise tax on net investment income should not apply to distributions from a charitable lead trust to a private foundation, structured the relation...
Under section 23 of EDO, a schedule of all the property passing on the death of the deceased upon which estate duty has been paid or is payable, and of all the property which, being trust property, is exempt from estate duty should be annexed to the grant of probate or letters of ...
ABC Family Trust qualifies as anExemptentity under the Financial Reporting Act 1993. ABC家庭信讬是根据1993年公司法规相关财务报告书法律条文,登记之有资格的可豁免组织. 期刊摘选 Any expenditure in respect toexemptincome would be excluded. 任何与免税所得相关的开支都被排除在外. ...
antitrust legislation in order to better regulate the financial aspects of college athletics and to look at for the best interests of college athletes.Elmore, LenChronicle of Higher Education