In theory, President Obama`s goal of increased openness and transparency in government is well served by the recently-signed Executive Order 13556, which calls for the standardization of ...
The article presents the text of the Executive Order 13556--Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) declared by U.S. President Barack Obama on November 4, 2010. The order creates an open and uniform program for managing information that mandates safeguarding or dissemination controls consistent with...
In December 2016, NIST issued SP 800-171 in support of the E.O. 13556 originally issued in November 2010. This Executive Order from the President is designed to provide guidance and direction to all organizations, public and private, on how to maintain the confidentiality of governmental data ...
Square Information, Round Categorization: Executive Order 13556 and Its Implementation Challenges The Obama Administration is committed to establishing an unprecedented level of transparency and openness in order to garner the public`s trust and ensure more effective government. Public access to government ...