Executive Summary,即执行摘要,是一份简短的文件或一份较大的商业报告或提案的一部分,用来概括总结产品团队在做什么,让人们对接下来的大部分内容有一个快速的概述,以最快速度了解产品。换句话说,executive summary是一份总结报告,有了它主管们就不必阅读整个报告来了解它的目的。 执行摘要包含一个简短的陈述,针对所附...
The executive summary is the most important section of your business plan. Here's how to quickly and easily write a great executive summary.
LCT Business Plan Executive Summary1. The Life Changes Trust (LCT) is a major new initiative designed to measurably improve the lives of over 50,000 individuals within its two key target groups, viz (1) people with dementia and their carers and (2) young people leaving care. It will ...
The executive summary business plan should be between one and three pages, written in the third person. The executive summary format should follow the same order as the full business plan. The U.S. Small Business Administration recommends that a business plan include the following sections, in t...
再结合以下这段内容:An executive summary is a short section of a larger document like a business plan, investment proposal or project proposal. It’s mostly used to give investors and stakeholders a quick overview of important information about a business plan like the company description, market ...
executive summary可以看作一份精简版的商业计划书(Business Plan),用来在创业企业的融资工作初期发给潜在投资者。如果潜在投资者看了之后有兴趣,就会约你开始下一阶段的面谈,这样你的商业计划书和演讲胶片就能派上用场了。打个比方,有点像求职者的简历,HR每天要看大量的简历,只有你的简历足够吸引...
executive summary可以看作一份精简版的商业计划书(Business Plan),用来在创业企业的融资工作初期发给潜在投资者。如果潜在投资者看了之后有兴趣,就会约你开始下一阶段的面谈,这样你的商业计划书和演讲胶片就能派上用场了。打个比方,有点像求职者的简历,HR每天要看大量的简历,只有你的简历足够吸引人,HR才会约你面试...
summary是总结的意思,executive有执行的、行政的、实行的意思,一般在报告的前面部分,放在一起可译为执行摘要。在商业中executive summary是精简版的商业计划书,也常出现在科学考察报告和设计文件里,指报告或设计说明,一般将科研内容概要,设计文件内容和执行思路简要而明确的写出来。另外,Executive ...
详细解释:举个例子说明,一般写一个business proposal(商业提案)的时候,introduction只是简单介绍一下将要推出的产品或服务是干什么的;而executive summary要把business plan(商业计划)中的每一个模块都要简单概括一下,尤其是financial projections(财务预算).
document(s), background information, concise analysis and main conclusions. It is intended as an aid to decision-making by managers and has been described as the most important part of a business plan. 明明白白,Executive Summary就是给高管或管理层看的,而且其用意是在管理人员的决策过程中起辅助...