是一个编译器指令,用于指定源文件的执行字符集为 UTF-8。这意味着编译器会将源文件中的字符串字面量按照 UTF-8 编码处理,从而避免在包含非 ASCII 字符(如中文)时出现乱码问题。 2. 阐述在 Qt 项目中如何使用 #pragma execution_character_set("utf-8") 在Qt 项目中,你可以通过在源文件的顶部添加 #pragma...
#pragma execution_character_set(“target”) 参数 target 指定目标执行字符集。 目前唯一支持的目标执行集是"utf-8"。 备注 此编译器指令在 Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 及更高版本中已过时。 建议将/execution-charset:utf-8或/utf-8编译器选项与包含扩展字符的窄字符和字符串文本的u8前缀一起使用。 有关u8...
执行字符集: #pragmaexecution_character_set("utf-8")
#pragma execution_character_set的意义 就是设置执行字符集,指示char的执行字符集是UTF-8编码。如果源文件中出现中文,必须要设置为 #if _MSC_VER >= 1600 #pragma execution_character_set("utf-8") #endif 另外Qt5中关于中文的建议解决方案是: 1.保证源程序源码文件是UTF-8,然后用以上预处理命令 2.不用保...
Qt #pragma execution_character_set("utf-8") 执行字符集,执行字符集:#pragmaexecution_character_set("utf-8")
Set the option in Visual Studio or programmatically See also Specifies both the source character set and the execution character set as UTF-8.Syntax/utf-8 RemarksYou can use the /utf-8 option to specify both the source and execution character sets as encoded by using UTF-8...
Character set 'utf-8' is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the '/usr/share/mysql/,将my.ini(window)或者my.cnf中default-character-set=utf-8改为default-character-set=utf8即可.linux批量替换的语法:%s/old/new/g例子::%s/utf-8/utf8/g;最终
I noticed that using the '#pragma execution_character_set(“utf-8”) ’ directive can only supports ‘UTF-8 with signature’. If I want to use without bom, I have to add ‘/utf-8’ to the c/c++ command line option. Some files in my project are ‘utf-8 without...
使用mysql8.+版本,使用mybatis的代码生成工具:mybatis-generator连接数据库时Unknown initial character set index '255' received from server. Initial client character set can be forced via the 'characterEncoding' property. 2019-12-08 20:48 −Error connecting to database: (using class org.gjt.mm....
VC2010增加了“#pragma execution_character_set("utf-8")”,指示char的执行字符集是UTF-8编码。 VS2010 设置 字符编码: “文件”->“高级保存选项” 里面设置编码试试... 虽然文件时UTF8但是编译的时候不支持UTF8,现在VS2010SP1(记得一定要打上SP1补丁,VS2012也行)以上,然后再源文件中写上 ...