I am trying to collect data from multiple servers/databases by running a specific stored procedure that has number of parameters. One of these parameters has to be null. I've done simillar collection of information using CURSOR and OPENROWSET like following: --*** --declarations DECL...
SYMPTOM While calling DB2 stored procedure with input parameters value as null instead of empty string [ for some reason do not want to pass empty string ]...
cmd.CommandType=CommandType.StoredProcedure;cmd.Connection = con;OracleParameter v1 = new OracleParameter("v1",OracleDbType.Long,ParameterDirection.InputOutput);//v1.Size=32000;v1.Value= "abcdefg";cmd.Parameters.Add(v1);cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();Console.WriteLine("value is {0}",v1.Value);v1....
]]> It's just a procedure call, there is no "from" in it. Since I can call the stored procedure with these parameters from JDBC or SQL client, I assume there is also no problem in the stored procedure (which contains "from"). My DAO looks like: List result = null; try { result...
and here is how it is called from within .NET:this.odbcCreateDataBaseCommand.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; this.odbcCreateDataBaseCommand.Parameters["@AFModelDatabaseProject"].Value = afModelDataBaseName;this.odbcCreateDataBaseCommand.Parameters["@TemplateDbBac...
been prepared, thePreparedproperty will be True. Preparing a procedure compiles the procedure, opens all referenced tables, and prepares all internal structures for the execution of the procedure. You should only need to manually prepare a procedure when executing a procedure that requires parameters...
This is a handy way of trapping the output of a stored procedure in a table so that you can manipulate it or retain it for later use. Prior to the advent of cursor OUTPUT parameters, this was the only way to perform further work on a stored procedure's result set within Transact -SQL...
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.ProcedureCache.AddNew(MySqlConnection connection, String spName) at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.ProcedureCache.GetProcedure(MySqlConnection conn, String spName) at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.StoredProcedure.GetParameters(String procName) ...
The stored proc uses the following parameters: @_StartTime (datetime, Input, No default) @_EndTime (datetime, Input, No default) @_Pool (nvarchar(256), Input, No default) @_Interval (int, Input, No default) @_WindowSize (int, Input, No default) ...
I am getting the below error message when the stored procedure is getting called from my java code. mysql server version: 5.6 jdbc connector: mysql-connector-java-5.1.16-bin.jar Error retreiving database metadata; nested exception is org.springframework.jdbc.support.MetaDataAccessException: Could...