在MySQL中,executed_gtid_set 是全局变量,它记录了所有在该服务器上执行过的事务的 GTID(全局事务标识符)。清空 executed_gtid_set 可以通过重置 MySQL 的二进制日志来实现,因为 executed_gtid_set 的值依赖于 MySQL 实例执行的事务和二进制日志的状态。以下是如何清空 executed_gtid_set 的步骤: 确认GTID模式: ...
第一步、stop slave; 并记录对应的Executed_Gtid_Set值:97333d77-dc8e-11ee-b769-0050562db0fc:1-3 第二步、showmaster statusG 查看对应Executed_Gtid_Set值是否和上面保持一致,一般情况下是一致的。 第三步:reset master; 重置从库上的binlog,该操作会清空从库上的mysql.gtid_executed表中的内容 第四步...
slave 如果server是slave节点,在server上执行show master staus与show slave status显示的Executed_Gtid_Set是一样的。 slave也是server,配置了binlog后,执行show master status是没问题。 master 如果server是master节点,是否可以执行show slave status? 答案是,在master上执行show slave status是空集。 show slave stat...
status.html"Executed_Gtid_Set The set of global transaction IDs written in the binary log. This is the same as the master's value for the global gtid_executed system variable (named gtid_done prior to MySQL 5.6.9), as well as the master's value for Executed_Gtid_Set in the output ...
In this worklog we introduce a better replacement: WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET(GTID_SET [, TIMEOUT]) This function shall not care about slaves running and shall return just 0 or 1.Copyright (c) 2000, 2025, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ...
Retrieved_Gtid_Set值显示从库没有接收到部分事务,丢失了部分事务。但是从Executed_Gtid_Set显示从库没有丢失事务。 错误日志: 2017-03-08 10:41:12 118393 [ERROR] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Sort aborted: Query execution was interrupted 170308 10:55:38 mysqld_safe Number of processes running now...
Retrieved_Gtid_Set值显示从库没有接收到部分事务,丢失了部分事务。但是从Executed_Gtid_Set显示从库没有丢失事务。 错误日志: 2017-03-08 10:41:12 118393 [ERROR] /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld: Sort aborted: Query execution was interrupted 170308 10:55:38 mysqld_safe Number of processes running now...
第一步、stop slave;并记录对应的Executed_Gtid_Set值:1f7133df-aa0b-11e9-af7d-005056b7a90a:1-8157448第二步、show master status\G查看对应Executed_Gtid_Set值是否和上面保持一致,一般情况下是一致的。 第三步:reset master;重置从库上的binlog,该操作会清空从库上的mysql.gtid_executed表中的内容 ...
Second: We execute show slave status\G and find the execute relay log pos is not consistent with the Executed_Gtid_Set. Third: If we execute start slave to continue, we can see gaps in Executed_Gtid_Set. At the end , we think the slave has lost some trxs. slave configs: log-slave...