/etc/wsl.conf: [boot] command = /bin/bash /root/boot.sh > /root/boot.log 2>&1 systemd=true [interop] enabled = true appendWindowsPath = true /root/boot.sh: #/bin/bash echo $PATH netsh.exe interface portproxy show all Expected Behavior ...
WSL 1 Kernel Version 5.10.16 Distro Version Ubuntu 18.04 Other Software No response Repro Steps (Optional) Run WSL From WSL (or from PowerShell) run any command as if you want to run it in another bash. For examplebash echo $PATH ...
First of all, you should write the instruction that locks the drive into a text file and save it with the .PS1 extension; then you could create a shortcut on your desktop that executes that command by invoking powershell.exe and passing that .PS1 file as parameter. An alternative could b...
最後はRobocopyすら使っていないが。 WSL対応 rsyncでリモートバックアップや世代管理するPowerShellスクリプトrobocopyがシンボリックリンクに捕まってしまってうまく動いてくれない→/XJDオプションでうまくいった - Mar 09, 20092020年1月7日追記。ここから10年が経過した現在は、Windowsのバ...
How can I get the stderr of command in powershell -c <command> sent to stderr? How can I hide an specific tray icon using Registry? How can I identify the current connected (active) monitor from windows registry How can I import a Java certificate for all users? GPO? SCCM? How can...
Open Windows PowerShell 7.3.3 in Administrator mode. Type "wsl.exe" or "wslconfig.exe" or the same with any arguments. Open Ubuntu terminal from start menu Run "code ." from the Linux terminal Expected Behavior The command should execute and a Linux terminal should open. ...
Are you actually calling WSL's bash ? What's the output of 'where bash' ? Also /logs This is result of ran bash with no ssh connection. Shell is Powershell and everything looks OK. This is result of ran bash after ssh connection. Shell is Powershell setted by: Set-ItemProperty -...
How can I get the stderr of command in powershell -c <command> sent to stderr? How can I hide an specific tray icon using Registry? How can I identify the current connected (active) monitor from windows registry How can I import a Java certificate for all users? GPO? SCCM? How can...
Edit/etc/wsl.conf, enable systemd support. (https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/systemd-support-is-now-available-in-wsl/) Runwsl.exe --shutdownin wsl2 shell, and reopen the shell. Runwsl.exe --versionor some other PE binaries, and shell will warn you that the "exec format erro...
shell: | powershell -command "[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('GITHUB_SCRIPT', ('{0}' -replace '\\','\\')); [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PKG_CONFIG_PATH_MSYS', $Env:PKG_CONFIG_PATH); [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH_MSYS', $Env:Path);"...