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COM Support for Retrieving the Machine Name for a Computer Visual Basic Code Example: Requesting Source Journaling ShellWindows IP Address Control IPropertyDescriptionAliasInfo How-To Create a Snap-in That Uses Property Pages Shell Objects for Scripting and Microsoft Visual Basic Edit Control MSMQMessage...
Check the Microsoft Product Lifecycle for information about how this product, service, technology, or API is supported. Recommended Version Search Internet Explorer Internet Explorer for Developers Internet Explorer for Developers Accessibility Compatibility Dev guides General info Platform APIs P...
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Learn more about the Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject.ApplicationClass.AppExecute in the Microsoft.Office.Interop.MSProject namespace.
http://update.microsoft.com Notes This update was first included in the following security update: 2838727MS13-047: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer: June 11, 2013 For more technical information about the most recent cumulat...
http://update.microsoft.com Notes This update was first included in the following security update: 2838727MS13-047: Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer: June 11, 2013 For more technical information about the most recent cumulative security update for Internet Explorer, go...
新启动应用程序的句柄。 此成员在返回时设置,并且始终NULL,除非fMask设置为SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS。 即使fMask设置为SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS,如果未启动进程,hProcess也会NULL。 例如,如果要启动的文档是 URL,并且 Internet Explorer 的实例已经运行,则会显示该文档。 未启动新进程,hProcess将NULL。
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "http://www.microsoft.com", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); 这个代码使你能访问微软的主页。当ShellExecute遇到文件名前面的“http:”时,可以判断出要打开的文件是Web文件,随之启动Internet Explorer 或者 Netscape Navigator 或者任何你使用的别的浏览器打开文件。
What internet Browser do you have set as the default under Windows>Settings>Apps>Default apps>Web browser. Here, with Google Chrome as the default there was no problem accessing that website after pasting the URL into 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Word in Microsoft 365....