executeStoredProcedure(sqlSP, ..., connectionString = NULL) 参数 sqlSP 有效的 StoredProcedure 对象 ... 存储过程的可选输入和输出参数。 必须提供未为其分配默认查询或值的所有参数 connectionString 一个字符串(如果在创建 StoredProcedure 对象时没有连接字符串,则必须提供)。 此函数需要使用支持 ODBC 3.8 ...
开发者ID:aprishchepov,项目名称:StoredProcedureFramework,代码行数:28,代码来源:MostBasicStoredProcedureTests.cs 示例4: ExecuteStoredProcedure_WithNullStoredProcedure_ThrowsArgumentNullException ▲点赞 1▼ publicvoidExecuteStoredProcedure_WithNullStoredProcedure_ThrowsArgumentNullException(){// ARRANGEMost...
开发者ID:jeremysimmons,项目名称:sixpack-library,代码行数:26,代码来源:StoredProcedureTests.cs 示例3: SP_Outputs_DefaultProvider ▲点赞 5▼ publicvoidSP_Outputs_DefaultProvider(){ StoredProcedure sp =newStoredProcedure("SubSonicTestNW", DataService.GetInstance("Northwind")); sp.Command.AddOutputParamet...
Hi I was struck up with big problem of executing a oracle stored procedure in C#. Inputs 1:I am having 1 oracle stored procedure eg. myProc() and this procedure takes 1 INOUT parameter. of type stirng/varchar problem description: I am not able to execu
Execute the third ( Transact-SQL) code listing to delete the stored procedure used by the application. Copy USE AdventureWorks2022; GO if exists (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[myProc]')) DROP PROCEDURE myProc GO CREATE PROCEDURE myProc @i...
Step 2. How to create a Stored Procedure? The “CREATE PROCEDURE” statement creates a new stored procedure in a database. Declare the parameters and data types. The “EXEC” keyword is used to execute the stored procedure. CREATE PROC PROC_NAME (@FIRST_NAME NVARCHAR(50), @LAST_NAME NVAR...
ExecuteProcedure(String, SqlCredential, out DataSet) Int Executes the stored procedure using SqlCredential for elevated security to fetch data in dataset and returns the number of rows affected ExecuteProcedure(String, SqlCredential, out DataTable) ...
•Create a new OACommand and execute the stored procedure using the OACommand.ExecuteReader method. The first approach is easier and involves less code than the second approach. The second approach gives you more control of the result because you can get a DbDataReader from the OACommand. ...
假设你使用 Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Management Studio (SSMS)并连接到 Azure SQL 数据库。 当你运行命令 " 执行" Stored_Procedure_name 从存储过程的右键单击快捷菜单中,在显示的对话框窗口中填写字段并单击 "确定" 后,将收到以下错误消...
Getting stored procedure script in c# Getting System.NullReferenceException Error While Creating PDF Files Getting the correct server MapPath??? Getting the error, The message could not be dispatched because the service at the endpoint address 'net.pipe://localhost/ServiceName' is unavailable for th...