MySQL 存储过程(Stored Procedure)是一组预先编译好的 SQL 语句,存储在数据库中,可以通过调用执行。存储过程可以提高数据库的性能、安全性和可维护性。 相关优势 性能优势:存储过程在首次执行时会被编译并存储在数据库中,后续调用时无需再次编译,从而提高执行效率。 安全性:可以通过权限控制来限制对存储过程的访问,从...
MySQL 存储过程(Stored Procedure)是一组为了完成特定功能的 SQL 语句集合,存储在数据库中,可以通过调用执行。存储过程可以接受参数,返回结果集,还可以包含变量、条件语句、循环等控制结构。 相关优势 提高性能:存储过程在首次执行时会被编译并存储在数据库中,后续调用时无需再次编译,从而提高执行效率。 减少网络流量:...
The following MySQL statements demonstrate how to create a very basic stored procedure namedprocedureTest. This procedure performs a simple lookup on theproductstable that we used in the stored function example above. Although this procedure does not have much practical use, it demonstrates the correc...
stored procedure: DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `a``b` () BEGIN SELECT 'test' AS Result; END $$ Run this C#: using var connection = new MySqlConnection("..."); connection.Open(); using var command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // none ...
at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException( Please note that when i login into mysql query browser( Database User Interface tool ), it show me only procedure's definition (shown below) and no other info is displayed. Might be this is the reason. ...
For more information on MySQL stored procedures, please refer toUsing Stored Routines. Connector/J exposes stored procedure functionality through JDBC'sCallableStatementinterface. The following example shows a stored procedure that returns the value ofinOutParamincremented by 1, and the string passed in ...
I have tried what u suggested but it allows only the following portion to get executed : GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE `mysql`.`proc` TO 'ems_user'@'%'; however if clause ", EXECUTE ON " is also included in upper command then it gives error saying : ...
Another problem here is that the following case failed: CREATE PROCEDURE db1.p1() SQL SECURITY INVOKER SELECT 1; CREATE FUNCTION db2.f1() RETURNS INT SQL SECURITY INVOKER RETURN 1; GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE db1.p1 TO mysqltest_1@localhost; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION db1.f1 TO mysqltest_...
Execute the third ( Transact-SQL) code listing to delete the stored procedure used by the application. Copy USE AdventureWorks2022; GO if exists (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[myProc]')) DROP PROCEDURE myProc GO CREATE PROCEDURE myProc @inp...
Example: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE concat("select * from ", @table_name, " where a=", @val); The syntax is available as a standalone SQL (for testing purposes) and inside a stored procedure. Any SQL statement is supported in argument of EXECUTE IMMEDIATE. In particular, DROP PROCEDURE, ALTER ...