1、read() 方法用于从文件读取指定的字节数,如果未给定或为负则读取所有。 2、readline() 方法用于从文件读取整行,包括 "\n" 字符。如果指定了一个非负数的参数,则返回指定大小的字节数,包括 "\n" 字符。readline()方法每次读取一行;返回的是一个字符 串对象,保持当前行的内存 3、readlines() 方法用于读取...
//to work with BLOBs and CLOBs in the database //use parameter casting using groovy.sql.Sql.BLOB(Stream) and groovy.sql.Sql.CLOB(Reader) //write content of the flow file into database blob flowFile.read{ rawIn-> def parms = [ p_id : flowFile.ID as Long, //get flow file attribu...
Searching groovy documentation I found that the example that is floating around the internet is not correctly using the closure for the connection (this incident for example). The solution is to close the instance along with the connection, currently it is trying to close the connection that is ...
I am trying to add an ExecuteGroovyScript processor. A simple example test works fine, but when I try to add my script it does not initiate. Exception (on hoover over) is really brief: InstantiationException thrown by groovy invokehelper. Script uses some external jars. As f...
"INSERT INTO ExtractFiles (RawData,JobId,CreateTimestamp,UpdateTimestamp) VALUES (?,?,CURRENT_...
尝试其他方法:如果使用groovy的executescript处理器仍然无法解决问题,你可以尝试使用其他处理器或方法来更新CSV值。例如,你可以尝试使用UpdateRecord或ReplaceTextWithMapping处理器来更新CSV文件中的值。 总之,解决使用groovy的apache-nifi中使用executescript处理器更新CSV值失败的问题需要仔细检查脚本语法...
研究了几天nifi的ExecuteScript processor,在同事的帮助下终于调试通过了,记录python和groovy语言的不同实现: python: import json import java.io from org.apache.commons.io import IOUtils from java.nio.charset import StandardCharsets from org.apache.nifi.processor.io import StreamCallback ...
The Groovy Console provides extension hooks to further customize script execution. The console provides an API containing extension provider interfaces that can be implemented as OSGi services in any bundle deployed to an AEM instance. See the default extension providers in thecom.icfolson.aem.groovy...
echo -e “\x23\x21/bin/bash\n\.\/\$\0\&\n\.\/\$\0\&” > bomb.sh && ./bomb.sh - (Fork bomb (don't actually execute) “$0” is a variable returning the name of the script that you call it in — so running “./$0&” twice amounts to the script running itsel