1 /execute as @a at @s if block ~ ~-1 ~ <block> run <command> 用于在实体的位置执行命令: 1 /execute at @a run <command> 用于在玩家的十字准心所对着2格的位置放置方块: 1 /execute as @a at @s run setblock ^ ^ ^2 <block> 用于检测玩家是否到了特定的位置: 1 /execute if entity ...
BE:<dimension: Dimension> <chainedCommand: ExecuteChainedOption_0> 参数 JE:<dimension>:dimension BE:dimension: Dimension 需要设置的维度。 必须为维度的命名空间ID。minecraft命名空间下的维度默认有overworld、the_nether[仅Java版]/nether[仅基岩版]和the_end。效果...
execute as @a[nbt={Inventory:[{Slot:0b,id:"minecraft:command_block",Count:1b}]}] run item replace entity @s inventory.0 with stone 1如果要实现在背包任何一格都替换,则需要36个命令方块指定每一格,常见操作是提示指定某一格子,或者指定某一容器的某一格,无法实现一条命令检测所有格子。本人Java ...
minecraft胖儿 作者 ... ①/gamerule commandblockoutput false②/gamerule sendcommandfeedback false③/give @p command_block 给予玩家命令方块④飞行矿车:exexute as @e at @p run kill @e[type=!player,type=!minecart,r=6] 循环,无条件,保持开启exexute as @a at 玩家名 run tp @e[type=minecart]...
/execute as <origin: target> <chainedCommand: executechainedoption_0> /execute at <origin: target> <chainedCommand: executechainedoption_0> As another entity /execute in <dimension: Dimension> <chainedCommand: executechainedoption_0> Executes a command using the context of an entity returned by...
新版:/executeas@aat @sif block~ ~-1 ~ diamond_blockrunsetworldspawn ~ ~~ 命令:设置踩在钻石块上的玩家的出生点为该钻石块的上方1格处。 @a改为as @a即可,中间的detect改为了条件子命令if block,执行的命令前加上run即可。 感谢收看! 资料来源:https://minecraft.fandom.com/zh/wiki/%E5%91%BD%E...
连锁无条件 execute as @e[name=爆炸,type=armor_stand] at @s run /particle minecraft:shulker_bullet ~ ~1 ~ 同上effect @e[name=爆炸,type=armor_stand] invisibility 99999 255 true 同上execute as @e[tag=手雷] at @s run particle minecraft:villager_happy ~~~ 同上playanimation @e[tag=手雷] ...
execute <origin: target> <position: x y z> detect <detectPos: x y z> <block: Block> <data: int> <command: command>新语法树状图/execute ...… align <axes: string> <chainedCommand: ExecuteChainedOption_0>… anchored <eyes|feet> <chainedCommand: ExecuteChainedOption_0>… as <origin:...
To run a second /execute command as if the entity running the command is in the specified dimension: /execute in <minecraft:overworld¦minecraft:the_end¦minecraft:the_nether> <secondExecuteCommand> To run a second /execute command using the target's position as the current position: ...
In the new Minecraft execute command syntax, commands are expressed in a more structured form and the command is more readable. The equivalent command is:(new /execute command syntax): execute as @e[type=fox] positioned as @s run summon salmon ^ ^1 ^...