As an aside what brought me to this conversation was someone addingmypyas one of the linters to our (cross-platform) build pipeline. It'sREADMEexclusively mentions usingpython3to invoke it. [1] I'm basing that entirely on this comment in the Windows Store issue:#79158 (comment)so maybe...
version = "*"} email-validator = "*" password-strength = "*" pycountry = "*" zipcodes = "*" sendgrid = "*" uvicorn = "*" phonenumbers = "*" python-multipart = "*" pdfreader = "*" sentry-sdk = "==1.5.2" flake8 = "*" google-cloud-secret-manager = "*" mypy = "*"...
-e git+ mypy-extensions==0.4.3 Nuitka @ git+ ordered-set==4.1.0 pathspec==0.10.3 platformdirs==2.6.2 si...
[] black = "^22.6.0" coverage = "^6.4.2" mypy = "1.5.0" pytest = "^7.1.2" pytest-cov = "^3.0.0" pylint = "^2.14.5" taskipy = "^1.10.2" types-requests = "^" types-urllib3 = "^1.26.23" ipykernel = "^6.23.1" pytest-xdist...
To run MyPy: $ tox -e check All of our tox test environments allow passthrough arguments, which can be helpful to run specific tests: $ tox -e py37-integration -- -k test_reproducible_build To run Pex from source, rather than through what is on your PATH, invoke via Python: $ ...
.mypy.ini COPYING COPYING.GPL requirements-dev.txt setup.cfg tox.ini flake8-executable Very often, developers mess up the executable permissions and shebangs of Python files. For example, sometimes the executable permission was accidentally...
one which cannot be found by recursing after normal import statements via the PYTHONPATH (which would be the recommended way), you can always require that a given directory shall also be included in the executable: python -m nuitka --follow-imports --include-plugin-directory=plugin_dir ...
WARNING: This is a breaking change for links that rely on auto-generated anchor links. You should nowmanually enable auto-generated anchor linksif you see errors likeWARNING reference target not found. Markdown links are of the format[text](link). MyST-Parser looks to smartly resolve such lin...
To run MyPy: $ tox -e check All of our tox test environments allow passthrough arguments, which can be helpful to run specific tests: $ tox -e py37-integration -- -k test_reproducible_build To run Pex from source, rather than through what is on your PATH, invoke via Python: $ ...
To run MyPy: $ tox -e check All of our tox test environments allow passthrough arguments, which can be helpful to run specific tests: $ tox -e py37-integration -- -k test_reproducible_build To run Pex from source, rather than through what is on your PATH, invoke via Python: $ ...