system系统调用是为了方便调用外部程序,执行完毕后返回调用进程。 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> main() { printf("call ls return %d\n",system("ls -l")); } 输出: 13.退出进程 调用exit退出进程 调用wait等待进程退出 #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h...
A simple C++ program to reverse the given string using execlp system call linux fork ubuntu cpp command-line-arguments reverse-string execlp Updated Aug 8, 2022 C++ abdullahaahmed0539 / Client-Server-model-using-linux-API Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests This project depicts a client-serv...
This article will demonstrate multiple methods about how to use the execlp function in C. Use execlp to Execute a New Program Using Filename in C exec family of functions are provided as an alternative API to the lower level execve system call to manage the loading of a new program into ...
defined(SYSTEM_MAC)std::stringprogramName = get_program_name();std::stringpid = get_pid(); _stack_trace.push_back(std::string("\t[trace] back trace for ") + programName +" ("+ pid +"):");// create a pipe to read gdb's outputintpipefds[2];intres = pipe(pipefds);if(res ...