FETCH NEXT FROM employee_cursor. INTO :emp_id, :emp_name. END-EXEC. 2. EXEC语法的用途: EXEC语法通常用于执行特定的操作,比如在COBOL程序中执行SQL语句、调用外部子程序或者执行特定的系统命令。 3. EXEC语法的常见用法: EXEC SQL,用于在COBOL程序中执行SQL语句,比如查询数据库、更新数据等操作。 EXEC CICS...
EXEC SQL. FETCH NEXT dbcur INTO :connid, :cityfrom, :cityto ENDEXEC. IF sy-subrc <> 0. EXIT. ELSE. cl_demo_output=>write( |{ carrid }, { connid }, { cityfrom }, { cityto }| ). ENDIF. ENDDO. cl_demo_output=>display( ). ...
1fetchnextfromnamecursorinto@cursor2while@@@fetch_status=03BEGIN4sql语句5fetchnextfromnamecursorinto@cursor6END78--注意: 用两次 “FETCH NEXT FROM ” 是因为,第一次只是用来判断 @@FETCH_STATUS的,后面一次 “FETCH NEXT FROM ” 才是 loop用到的,也就是后面一次 是在 BEGIN END之间,是被反复执行的。
用户可以在另一台运行 Microsoft® SQL Server™ 的服务器上执行过程,只要该用户有适当的权限使用该服务器(远程访问),并能在数据库中执行该过程。如果指定了服务器名称但没有指定数据库名称,SQL Server 会在用户默认的数据库中寻找该过程。;number是可选的整数,用于将相同名称的过程进行组合,使得它们可以用一句 ...
EXEC SQL. SET CONNECTION :dbcon_name ENDEXEC. EXEC SQL. connect to :dbcon_name ENDEXEC. EXEC SQL. open c for desc table.in.oracle. ENDEXEC. DO. EXEC SQL. fetch next c into :wa ENDEXEC. IF sy-subrc 0. EXIT. ENDIF. WRITE: / wa. ENDDO. EXEC SQL. disconnect :dbcon_name ENDEXEC...
EXEC SQL. FETCH NEXT dbcur INTO :carrid_wa ENDEXEC. IF sy-subrc <> 0. EXIT. ELSE. cl_demo_output=>write( |{ carrid_wa }| ). ENDIF. ENDDO. EXEC SQL. CLOSE dbcur ENDEXEC. EXEC SQL. DISCONNECT :dbs ENDEXEC. CATCH cx_sy_native_sql_error. ...
(50)',@cntout,@con--演示遊標SET@sql='DECLARE cur_getData FOR SELECT EMPNO FROM [EMPCARDHISTORY] WHERE 1=1 AND [AREA]=@'''+@con+'''EXEC(@sql)OPENcur_getData--該處的遊標是我們定義在@sql中的FETCHNEXTFROMcur_getDataINTO@curTmpWHILE@@FETCH_STATUS=0BEGIN--xxxxFETCHNEXTFROMcur_getDataINT...
DO. EXEC SQL. FETCH NEXT c1 INTO :LS_TEST ENDEXEC. IF sy-subrc <> 0. EXIT. ELSE. WRITE LS_TEST-LIFNR. ENDIF. ENDDO. EXEC SQL. CLOSE c1 ENDEXEC. Before anyone asks the final SQL statement will be much bigger, but this sample shows the situation. best regards Stephan Knecht Edited...
Note:There are many other SQLSTATE values that can be generated by the Database Management System (DBMS), on processing of the statement. Example Refer to the example inSQLFetch - Fetch next row.
Triggering SQL statement...: "FETCH NEXT " Internal call code...: "[DBDS/NEW DSQL]" Please check the entries in the system log (Transaction SM21). If the error occurred in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to find a solution in the SAP note system. If you have...