| 步骤一:连接到Kubernetes集群 | 使用kubectl命令连接到Kubernetes集群 | | 步骤二:找到需要执行的容器 | 查找具体需要执行"sp_reset_connection"的容器 | | 步骤三:在容器中执行"sp_reset_connection" | 使用kubectl exec命令在容器中执行相应的SQL命令 | ## 操作指南 ### 步骤一:连接到Kubernetes集群 使用以...
sp_reset_connection 存储过程可能 无法重置 设置正确的行数(@@ROWCOUNT)。 如果执行删除或更新的语句执行后 sp_reset_connection 存储过程调用,SQL Server 尊重旧行值(换句话说,旧的行数设置仍然存在)。 在这种情况下,DELETE或UPDATE语句只更新或删除以前的连接设置中指定的行数。 SELECT 语句中,不会发生此问题。
When I run the profiler I am noticing too many exec sp_reset_connection. Does this mean in the SQL Server once a connection is used is it getting reset so that another connection can be made?if so how is this connection being used...I ma confused.. can someone throw some light on ...
exec sp_reset_connection (starting up database) 17137 我的应用性能,因为这个原因压力测试性能降低了2000倍。 应该很少有人遇到这个奇葩案例吧?? 数据库选项中,自动关闭 = true时, 连接关闭,自动关闭数据库, 降低性能。
When I run the profiler I am noticing too many exec sp_reset_connection. Does this mean in the SQL Server once a connection is used is it getting reset so that another connection can be made?if so how is this connection being used...I ma confused.. can someone throw some light on ...
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused "read init-p: connection reset by peer": unknown # 2. 排除docker嫌疑 $ docker-containerd-ctr -a /var/run/docker/containerd/docker-containerd.sock -n moby t exec --exec-id stupig1 ...
The sp_reset_connection stored procedure is used by SQL Server to support remote stored procedure calls in a transaction. This stored procedure also causes Audit Login and Audit Logout events to fire when a connection is reused from a connection pool. Mohd Sufian www.sqlship.wordpr...
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused "read init-p: connection reset by peer": unknown # 2. 排除docker嫌疑 $ docker-containerd-ctr -a /var/run/docker/containerd/docker-containerd.sock -n moby t exec --exec-id stupig1 aa1e331ec24...
// https://github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/issues/99625 p := &ex.planner stmtTS := ex.server.cfg.Clock.PhysicalTime() ex.statsCollector.Reset(ex.applicationStats, ex.phaseTimes) ex.resetPlanner(ctx, p, ex.state.mu.txn, stmtTS) p.sessionDataMutatorIterator.paramStatusUpd...
ctx = portal.pauseInfo.execStmtInOpenState.spCtx }makeErrEvent := func(err error) (fsm.Event, fsm.EventPayload, error) { ev, payload := ex.makeErrEvent(err, ast) return ev, payload, nil }var stmt Statement var queryID clusterunique.IDif...