Systemd 是一系列工具的集合,其作用也远远不仅是启动操作系统,它还接管了后台服务、结束、状态查询,...
在上述示例中,首先定义了一个变量condition,表示是否满足某个条件。然后使用条件语句if来判断条件是否满足,如果满足,则执行分支1的代码并打印"分支1的内容";如果不满足,则执行分支2的代码并打印"分支2的内容"。最后,无论条件是否满足,都会执行打印"其他内容"的操作。 需要注意的是,上述示例只是一种实现方式,具体的...
竞态条件(race condition) exec系函数 解释器文件 1 竞态条件(Race Condition) 竞态条件:当多个进程共同操作一个数据,并且结果依赖于各个进程的操作顺序时,就会发生竞态条件。 例如fork函数执行后,如果结果依赖于父子进程的执行顺序,则会发生竞态条件。 说到fork之后的父子进程的执行顺序,我们可以通过下面的方式指定执行...
auto threadData = d->threadData.loadRelaxed(); //we need to protect from race condition with QThread::exit QMutexLocker locker(&static_cast<QThreadPrivate *>(QObjectPrivate::get(threadData->thread.loadAcquire()))->mutex); if (threadData->quitNow) return -1; if (d->inExec) { qWarnin...
//weneedtoprotectfromraceconditionwithQThread::exit QMutexLockerlocker(&static_cast(QObjectPrivate::get(threadData->thread.loadAcquire()))->mutex); if(threadData->quitNow) return-1; if(d->inExec){ qWarning("QEventLoop:instance%phasalreadycalledexec()",this); ...
condition_input.wait(&mutex_input);//睡眠当前的收线程 mutex_input.unlock(); } } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3.实现处理数据的方法的槽函数 void process::work() { while (1) { qDebug()<<"process2"; mutex_output.lock(); ...
Iftotal_elapsed_timeexceeds the maximum value for an integer,total_elapsed_timecontinues to be the maximum value. This condition generates the warning "The maximum value has been exceeded." The maximum value in milliseconds is the same as 24.8 days. ...
//we need to protect from race condition with QThread::exit QMutexLocker locker(&static_cast<QThreadPrivate *>(QObjectPrivate::get(d->threadData->thread))->mutex); if (d->threadData->quitNow) return -1; if (d->inExec) { qWarning("QEventLoop::exec: instance %p has already called ...
当nodefs使用量达到阈值时,kubelet 就会拒绝在该节点上运行新 Pod,并向 API Server 注册一个 DiskPressurecondition。然后 kubelet 会尝试删除死亡的 Pod 和容器来回收磁盘空间,如果此时nodefs使用量仍然没有低于阈值,kubelet 就会开始驱逐 Pod。kubelet 驱逐 Pod 的过程中不会参考 Pod 的 QoS,只是根据 Pod 的 node...
R15: Information about the caller. Bit 61 is on and bit 62 is off, indicating an AMODE 64 caller. Bit 63 is also off, indicating that the addressing mode should not be changed on return to the caller, and that a BRANCH ON CONDITION (BCR) should be used for the return. The other ...