Syntax GDS FREE (APPC-Basisdialog) GDS FREECONVID( Name)CONVDATA( Datenbereich)RETCODE( Datenbereich)STATE( CVDA) NOHANDLE,RESPundRESP2sind allgemeine Optionen, die zu allenEXEC CICSBefehlen hinzugefügt werden können, um Fehlerbedingungen zu verarbeiten. Sie sind im Diagramm der ...
COBOL および PL/I ソースに組み込まれている EXEC CICS ステートメントは、すべて、構文検査を実行する前に、CICS® 変換プログラムによって自動的に変換できます。 始める前に CICS Transaction Server for OS/390® を使用した...
NOHANDLE,RESP, andRESP2are common options that can be added to allEXEC CICScommands to process error conditions. They are not explicitly included in the command syntax diagram and option descriptions. For information about these common options andEXEC CICScommand syntax, seeEXEC CICS command format...
Für Informationen über diese allgemeinen Optionen und die EXEC CICS Befehlssyntax siehe EXEC CICS Befehlsformat und Überlegungen zur Programmierung.Beschreibung Der Befehl ASSIGN ruft Werte von außerhalb der lokalen Umgebung des Anwendungsprogramms ab. Die Daten, die abgerufen werden, häng...
Syntax DELETE CHANNEL DELETE CHANNEL( Datenwert) Bedingungen: CHANNELERR Dieser Befehl ist threadsicher. NOHANDLE, RESP und RESP2 sind allgemeine Optionen, die zu allen EXEC CICS Befehlen hinzugefügt werden können, um Fehlerbedingungen zu verarbeiten. Sie sind im Diagramm der Befehlssyn...
A CICS BTS request was issued from outside the CICS BTS environment. Therefore, the transaction is not running on behalf of a BTS activity. 200 Command syntax options are not allowed in a server program that is invoked by a distributed program link. ...
A CICS BTS request was issued from outside the CICS BTS environment. Therefore, the transaction is not running on behalf of a BTS activity. 200 Command syntax options are not allowed in a server program that is invoked by a distributed program link. ...
Receive data from standard CICS® terminal support or from a task that is not attached to a terminal. Syntax RECEIVE (default) RECEIVEINTO( data-area)SET( ptr-ref)LENGTH( data-area)FLENGTH( data-area)MAXLENGTH( data-value)MAXFLENGTH( data-value)NOTRUNCATE Conditions: INVREQ...
A CICS BTS request was issued from outside the CICS BTS environment. Therefore, the transaction is not running on behalf of a BTS activity. 200 Command syntax options are not allowed in a server program invoked by a distributed program link. Default action: terminate the task abnormally. Examp...
A CICS BTS request was issued from outside the CICS BTS environment. Therefore, the transaction is not running on behalf of a BTS activity. 200 Command syntax options are not allowed in a server program that is invoked by a distributed program link. ...