亲,您好根据我们查询到的相关信息是设置aapt.exe的路径到PATH路径(2)之前一位是aapt.exe不对,用本机的adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20131030\sdk\build-tools\android-4.4\aapt.exe替换到下载的aapt.exe(3)删除这个文件C:\Users\Administrator\apktool\framework\1.apk ,马上打包就好了。
1] Using EXE to APK Converter Keep your .exe file ready and download the .exe to the .apk converter tool fromhere. The tool comes in a RAR file and thus you need thesoftware to open the RAR file.There are manyMicrosoft apps available to extract the RAR files. Once extracted, you wil...
我有用exe to apk converter tool,可是选中不了exe文件啊(就在圈起来的地方有exe) ! 分享71 系统吧 zhang96320 谁会把电脑上的小计算软件.exe格式的转换成安卓软件.apk格式的谁会把电脑上的小计算软件。exe格式的转换成安卓软件.apk格式的!等大神!可报酬,谢谢好人了! 分享8赞 编程吧 我是逗比6969 【提问】...
Compile BAT to EXE files. Create EXE from your batch files that work on all Windows versions, configurations and languages. Extra powerful commands and Graphics.
BAT2EXE(bat转换exe) 中文 更新时间:2017-07-14 BAT2EXE是一款支持批量处理bat转换成exe文件的软件,这款软件能够帮助用户将自己的文件都转换成exe可执行文件,让你享受更轻松的办公方式。需要的朋友就赶快来绿色资源网下载使用吧! BAT2EXE官方介绍BatToExeConverter可以把批处理文件bat转换为exe可执 点击下载 ...
5] VBS & JS to Exe Online Converter If you are looking for a free online tool that lets you concertVBSorJStoEXEfiles, use this converter from herehttp://www.f2ko.de/en/ov2e.php. Posts that may interest you: Convert BAT to EXE|Convert JPEG & PNG to PDF|Convert PNG to JPG|Convert...
Used Type Library Converter tool from VS 2010 to create the Interop shown below: Here is what I see under .Net reflector. The default value of “false” is converted to “true”. This is a code defect with TlbImp.exe version 4.0.30319.1 w...