State Board of Education Approves Definitions of Excused and Unexcused AbsencesJulie C. FayGwen J. Zittoun
a3 or more unexcused absences is very serious and will result in additional consequences. This may include meetings with administration, restrictions, behavioral expectations, required support measures and possible withdrawal from a class with "WF" (Withdrawal Fail) 3或更加未批准的离开是非常严肃的,并...
The unexcused absences from class ___ Bubois from the course and the exam. A.dispelledB.dismissedC.disqualifiedD.disfavored 答案 C单词disqualify:使……失去资格。单词dispel:驱散;驱逐。单词dismiss:解散;开除;解职。单词 disfavor:不赞成;冷待。相关推荐 1The unexcused absences from class ___ Bubois...
a•Students who receive 3 unexcused absences for studies will be barred from signing up for any additional experiments, and will not be able to complete future studies they are signed up for. The student will have to complete research papers to fulfill the research requirement. •接受3未...
Below is a chart that shows all of your unexcused absences and unexcused tardies for the semester. Attendance records indicate that you recently received an Unexcused Absence or Tardy in the class (or classes) listed below. You can find the date(s) of the most recent unexcused absence or...
Golombisky, Kimberly Davis
and will abstain from voting on the matter. 在会议进行期间如出现某种实际或潜在利益冲突时,将公开该利益,相关委员将回避有关该事项 的讨论并不参加有关表决。 Your child's absences willbeexcused(approved) for reasons such as...
absences. For example, if any medical absence counts as an excused absence, you can't label those absences unexcused. You might also have to follow certain procedures, such as warning the employee or putting them on a performance improvement plan, before disciplining them for unexcused absences...
Your child's absences will be excused (approved) for reasons such as illness or accident of the child, illness or death [...] 您的孩子出于以下 原因缺课被视为是经过请假 (得到同意 ):孩子生病或发生事故,家庭成员亡故, 搬迁,就医 (包括牙医)。 The lawlessness of...
将“Unexcused"翻译成阿拉伯文 غير معذر是将“Unexcused"翻译成 阿拉伯文。 译文示例:Two unexcused absences - - again. ↔ غيابان بلا عذر, مجدداً Unexcused + 添加翻译 英文-阿拉伯文字典 غير معذر free...