At least I now know where I stand in Meme’s eyes. Check out the ditty Meme created about why she cannot force herself to unfollow Rate this: Posted inDumb Miner Logs Tags:John the Aussie •January 6, 2013 •20 Comments This had me in stitches… Sometimes when you get an idea in...
I really enjoyed the way the story moves. It had me hooked almost as soon as I started reading and had me hooked till the very end. This is supposed to be part of a series but having read only this one, it was still easy enough for me to figure out the background. It did make...
“Klerelijers”, a friend of the owner reacted at a notice on Facebook, using an equivalent for “assholes” that is endemic for the Netherlands — while another one hurled: “Your country will be proud of you”, easily assuming that the thief was of foreign origin. The rightful owner ...
固然,大数据拥有着广阔的“钱”景与宽阔的道路,但是,理想往往很丰满,现实往往很骨感,大数据行业难免会面临发展的困境。 (更多大数据与商业智能领域干货、兼职机会及行业资源分享等请关注大圣众包微信服务号,或添加大圣妹个人微信号(dashengmeme),注明“行业+职业”,拉你入big data &BI交流群330648564。) QQ二维码请扫...
The connection between the memes of “freedom” and “guns” in America and Canada is no accident, and a new meme might make the point: these data analysis companies working on our Facebook data generated some of these memes the NRA uses, “guns and freedom.” They know the connection is...
a 37-year-old entrepreneur with Chinese ancestry, told me about a recent experience in an Australian airport. Chew says a white woman eyed every Asian person passing by, especially thosewearing face masks, as though searching for signs of disease. Chew purposefully coughed near the woman, ...
“damages of abuse” meme also, and I have written and will continue to point out the things that look bad from my particular point of view about it, but we can just face this, can’t we: you beat a human child, especially regularly, and social science has established that there will...