for the economic exploitation and exploration of the zone (e.g., the production of energy from the water, currents, and winds). Within the EEZ, the coastal state has jurisdiction with regard to establishing and using artificial islands, installations, and structures having economic purposes as we...|基于8个网页 2. 专属经济海域 66 依据聯合国海洋法公约的规定,各国「专属经济海域」(Exclusive Economic Zones)的最大范围为是多少?3 海里12 海里1…|基于6个网页 释义: 全部,专属经济区遣,专属经济海域
Consequently, the LOSC required coastal States that were incapable of optimally utilising their EEZ to give other states access to any surplus through agreements or other arrangements. This study analyses fisheries catch data from the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) to determine the impact ...
18.China also exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction over the vast continental shelves and exclusive economic zones (EEZs), as defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.按照《联合国海洋法公约》的规定,中国还对广阔的大陆架和专属经济区行使主权权利和管辖权; 相关短句/例句 EEZ专属经济区 1...
States Parties, their exclusive economic zones, [Spain: their contiguous zone], (hereinafter “EEZ”), and continental shelves. 因此,《公约》 适用于所有类型的水域,包括不具海洋性质的内水(例如洪水淹没的洞穴、 湖泊与河流)和具有海洋性质的内水(例如湖湾和海湾) [西班牙:(例如湖 湾...
Under the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea an island can generate its own Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 200 nautical miles. 根据联合国海洋公约,一个岛屿可以附带其200海里专属经济区(EEZ)。 5. China's move to exploit a new gas field in an area of the East Ch...
The exclusive economic zone map (1) exclusive economic zone is a new system established at the Third United Nations Conference on the law of the sea (EEZ). An exclusive economic zone is an area that measures 200 nautical miles from the baseline of the ...
The discussion focuses around the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) for which countries by international law have a responsibility towards sustainable use of its resources. The application of the EEZ has dramatically changed the world map, making France the largest ocean state of the world. New ...
exulans were tracked from July to November around Australian waters between 110 and 160E and spent 52-100% of their time in the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Three subsequently moved into, and two across, the Indian Ocean. Three D. e. gibsoni were tracked in the Tasman Sea ...
In the controversy among the land-locked and coastal states, the most debated aside probably from the question of the right of transit and the most recent issue, is that of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). In changing circumstances, where the question of raw materials and other resources ha...