definition1:coastalcountriesoutsidetheirterritorial watersdelineatedacertainwidthoftheeconomiczone.Since thewidthofthebaselinesoftheterritorialseais200Nmile, thedateisoftensaid200Nmileexclusiveeconomiczone. Application:geographysubject(asubject);MarineGeography ...
Exclusive Economic Zone - What is the EEZ? India’s EEZ extent. EEZ Topic comes under Geography & Economy sections of the UPSC Syllabus. Clear IAS 2023 with BYJU’S
Define exclusive economic zone. exclusive economic zone synonyms, exclusive economic zone pronunciation, exclusive economic zone translation, English dictionary definition of exclusive economic zone. n the coastal water and sea bed around a country's sho
Looking for online definition of exclusive in the Medical Dictionary? exclusive explanation free. What is exclusive? Meaning of exclusive medical term. What does exclusive mean?
Definition of Exclusive in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Exclusive? Meaning of Exclusive as a legal term. What does Exclusive mean in law?
Results of Spain´s Exclusive Economic Zone Program. Springer.Clift P, Acosta J (eds) (2005) Geophysics of the Canary Islands. Results of Spain's Exclusive Economic Zone Program. Springer, New YorkClift, P., and J. Acosta (Eds.) (2005), Geophysics of the Canary Islands: Results of ...
This study re-examines the marine spatial planning (MSP) process for Germany's North Sea exclusive economic zone (EEZ), one of the earliest European examples of MSP. It does so in order to answer whether in this case MSP was an example of post-political planning (Swyngedouw, 2010; Taf...