The Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) is an electronic directory of individuals and organizations that are not permitted to receive federal contracts or assistance from the United States government. Any company doing business—or hoping to do business—with the U.S. government or federal agencies...
Federal Acquisition Regulation; Excluded Parties List System EnhancementLaura Auletta
排除帮助ListLISTforlist名单系统Party 系统标签: excludedlistpartieseplsinstructions名单 EXCLUDED PARTIES LIST SYSTEM OVERVIEW 1. What is the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS)? The Excluded Parties List Systems (EPLS) is the electronic version of the Lists of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement...
Access essential information on the GSA Excluded Parties List Report. Ensure compliance and safeguard your business with verified credentials and updates.
(redirected fromExcluded Parties List System) AcronymDefinition EPLSExcluded Parties List System EPLSEasy Peasy Lemon Squeezy EPLSEnquête sur le Parc Locatif Social(French housing rental survey) EPLSEuropean Pediatric Life Support(course) EPLSEmbedded Platform Logistics System(US Marine Corps) ...
aIn the event of suspension or debarment, the information is made publicly available through the List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Nonprocurement Programs maintained by the U.S. General Services Administration. 在悬浮或排除情形下,信息公开地使可利用通过从联邦获得排除的党和美国维护的...
Moog suppliers and/or sub-tier suppliers are prohibited from using any source listed on the US government Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) (ref. in the production of products to be delivered to Moog. Page 1 of 2 MOOG COMMERCIAL SUPPLIER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS ...
Note: As detailed under the list of Excluded Income below, extra weekly benefits provided under the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program shall not be counted. Buyer shall also be liable for, and shall hold the Seller Indemnified Parties harmless from and against any and all Excluded ...
General Services Administration, or successor compilation of similar information; or (b) which Lessor has advised Lessee within ten (10) days after request from Lessee would be an Excluded Contractor but which is not on the List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Nonprocurement ...
vendor fraudriskfraud examinationAll organizations can use the free U.S. federal Excluded Parties List System during their procurement processes to find questionable vendors and reduce the riskHowe, Martha A.Burnaby, Priscilla AnnMuehlmann, Brigitte...