exclude_from_all用法exclude_from_all是Elasticsearch中的一个设置,用于控制是否为特定的索引或类型生成SNAPSHOT。SNAPSHOT是Elasticsearch的一种持久化存储机制,用于备份数据。 当你为Elasticsearch配置了一个SNAPSHOT存储库时,Elasticsearch会为该存储库中的每个索引生成一个SNAPSHOT。但有时,你可能不希望某些索引被备份。
cmake 的add_library,add_executable,add_subdirectory等命令都有一个EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL参数. 这个参数的作用根据cmake官网的解释就是如果某个target或subdirectory被设置为EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL属性,那么这个target(或这个subdirectory中的所有target)就会被排除在all target列表之外,这样,当执行默认的make(或nmake)时,这个targe...
cmake add_subdirectory exclude_from_all 1. add_subdirectory在CMake中的用途 add_subdirectory是CMake中的一个指令,用于向当前项目添加一个子目录。这使得CMake在构建过程中会进入该子目录,并处理其中的CMakeLists.txt文件。通过这种方式,大型项目可以被拆分为多个模块或子项目,使得项目结构更加清晰,便于管理和维护...
安装EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL子目录问题描述 投票:1回答:1我有一个项目A,它使用项目B中定义的一些目标。因此我做了add_subdirectory(<PATH_TO B> EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)包含子目录。现在,我使用组件创建安装目标,并且A中有一些安装组件也需要来自B的目标。但是,由于EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL,cmake_install.cmake的A不包括B的CMake...
问运行“make”时忽略CMake EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL参数EN但如果源文件太多,一个一个编译时就会特别麻烦,...
add_custom_target(doc ALL COMMENT "Generating Doxygen documentation") endif() if(MSVC) # FIXME: it is impossible to trigger documentation installation at # install, so put the target in ALL instead. if(NOT TARGET doc) add_custom_target(doc ALL COMMENT "Generating Doxygen documentation") endif...
When they were trying to strong-arm me into quitting, my manager removed my GitHub access and IDE license, which prevented me from doing my work. It took a day for my access to be reinstated. The manager has also been very rude. What can an employer do and not do durin...
1) exclude .. from ..; stop .. from 拒绝..参加..;排斥 2) exclusion[英][ɪk'sklu:ʒn] [美][ɪk'skluʒən] n.拒绝,排斥 3) repel[英][rɪ'pel] [美][rɪ'pɛl] v.拒绝,排斥 4) exclude[英][ɪk'sklu:d] [美][ɪk'sklud] ...
I have a problem that I have been banging my head on about for some time now. In our facility I created a full intranet site some time ago. On one particular...
Exclude an object from all lights? 11-06-2011, 07:06 AM Hi, Is there a simple, quick way to exclude an object (or several objects) from ALL V-Ray lights (without doing this manually for every light)? Thanks, Tim Tags: None 3DMK Senior Member Join Date: May 2009 Posts: ...