Hi all, we have an app which we want to exclude from coming up as high risk for sign ins is this possible?
How can I exclude "Editor" field (Modified By) from search on that doc lib / site (but not entire tenant)?? HelloMarioZagreb there are no permissions on column. It's not possible to exclude only one column from search, only possible with the whole library or site. Best, Dave DaveMehr...
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import ( "net/netip" "strings" "github.com/kube-vip/kube-vip-cloud-provider/pkg/config" "go4.org/netipx" ) @@ -30,30 +31,39 @@ func parseCidrs(cidr string) (*netipx.IPSet, error) { // buildHostsFromCidr - Builds a IPSet constructed from the cidr a...
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Is there a way to add a Test VM in the existing host pool, have it use the same image as the Prod VM and exclude it from the auto scale settings so that it can be brought up and down as needed manually in Azure? This would be the equivalent to having...
Hi, I'm new at this and really not a pro with Excel, so hope someone can help me out! I'm pulling data from one workbook into another. The path...
I'm trying to calculate a median of a range of cells if a certain condition is met. However, I want to exclude one value from a range of cells. I got all the...