Tablet Acer A3-A30 keeping shutting down randomly ..when insert charger it gives Red exclamation mark with overheat red thermometer with battery icon at start screen with no charging although battery is cold not even warm then keeping shutting dow
pple has made a luxury iPhone that punctuates its technological swagger with a high-priced exclamation point. And that exclamation point appears to be a sign of things to come. The long-anticipated iPhone X unveiled Tuesday will sell for $999, double what the original iPhone cost...
More Information on Error Icons in Device Manager If you're really paying attention to Device Manager, you may have noticed that this indicator isn't a yellow exclamation point at all; it's actually ablackexclamation point on ayellowbackground, similar to the caution sign in the illustration ...
It looks like others have been wondering about blurred photos and an exclamation mark icon in Photos, too. There are many helpful responses in this thread so far, and I'm happy to point out some other resources. As mentioned, an exclamation mark icon on a picture in the Photos app mean...
Anyone know what's going on here? Both mobile networking and wifi seem to be operational, but I don't know why the exclamation mark is there and why the mobile network icon is showing. The wifi network I am connected to uses a manual proxy . . . I can switch off mobile networking ...