Exciton binding energy, time-dependent density functional theory, semiconducting conjugated polymersExciton binding energy (Eb) is a key factor for the polymer electronics as well as for the fundamental polymer physics, which has been controversial since long time. Light-emitting polymer requires a ...
Exciton binding energy (Eb) is a key factor for the polymer electronics as well as for the fundamental polymer physics, which has been controversial since long time. Light-emitting polymer requires a large Eb so that the charge recombination dominates. But, the photovoltaic polymers need small Eb...
As a consequence they estimated the Coulomb binding ewneecraglycuoflattheethexeciritroenlastXiv1eaBnodhXr2reaqduiuasl to 157 and 152 meV. using the well know Since the relations fXo1r ahnyddrXo2neicxcliitkoenesxacrieto3nDs: Wannier excitons, Eb/Ry = mex/ε2 and (2) aex/aH = ...
effect by increasing the excitation power density and the fast excitonic radiative lifetime of a few hundred picoseconds that we measured on several individual Q-disks indicate that the absence of internal electric field in the structure can explain the observed positive biexciton binding energy. ...
(b) Excitons have a binding energy EB, defined as the difference between the free particle bandgap and the optical bandgap observed in photoluminescence (PL) emission. EB is of the order of 500 meV, the first excited state n ¼ 2 is about 130 meV above the n ¼ 1 state, marked as...
The biexciton binding energy of 2 meV was estimated from the separation of the peaks in the 2DFT spectra. Temperature dependent absorption and 2DFT measurements, combined with "ab initio" theoretical calculations of the phonon spectra, indicate strong interaction with theA1′phonon mode. Excitation...
That is why EB band becomes broader than E.x - e band does and the peak position of EB band shifts more to the low energy side than the peak position of E,-e band does, with increasing the excitation density.By analyses of the spectra in Fig.2 we consider that whether the P band...
Light absorbed by a semiconductor creates an excited electron and hole which,being oppositely charged, may bind together into an exciton. In the 1960s itwas realized that, if this binding energy were larger than the semiconductorband gap, excitons would have negative energy and spontaneously prolife...
For weak and intermediate coupling, we observed that the absorption coefficient vanish for strong values of photon energy. The effective masse of exciton-polaron is highest in strong coupling than in intermediate coupling, whereas the exciton-polaron energy is highest in weak coupling than in strong...
(b) Biexciton (XX) binding energy (Eb,XX) as a function of the lateral dimension (L), that is, width for GNRs (black squares) and diameter for SWNTs (grey circles). The data, obtained by guide-function QMC simulations, are shown in dimensionless exciton units, as detailed in the ...