Johl A, Lengfelder E, Hiddemann W, Klapper W (2016) Core nee- dle biopsies and surgical excision biopsies in the diagnosis of lym- phoma--experience at the Lymph Node Registry Kiel. Ann Hematol 95:1281-1286Johl A, Lengfelder E, Hiddemann W, Klapper W, ...
terminate with the ending "otomy," such as with an episiotomy, the cut made into the perineum during childbirth to prevent traumatic tearing of tissues. The suffix "ectomy" is utilized when referring to an excision of tissue, such as with an appendectomy, the removal of an infected appendix...
The technical details of the surgical procedure are described with appropriate illustrations. This procedure can also be utilized for removal of localized areas of acquired trichiasis. The advantage of this procedure over previously utilized procedures for congenital distichiasis is the lower ...
A compara- tive histological study of wound healing following CO2 laser and conventional surgical excision of canine buccal mucosa. Arch Oral Biol 1983;28:287-91.Fisher SE, Frame JW, Browne RM, Tranter RM. A comparative histological study of wound healing following CO2 laser and...