exchange traded option 市场交易选择权见listed option. closed end exchange traded funds 封闭式交易基金 traded option 交易式选择权;可买卖的选择权;可买卖期权系指选择权(*option)的所有人可以在某一时日内转售给他人的一种特殊型态的选择权,盖一般的选择权是不得转售的。此种交易式选择权可以在交易式选择权...
必应词典为您提供exchange-traded-option的释义,网络释义: 交易所买卖之期权;场内交易期权;
场内期权(Exchange-traded options或Exchange-list options) 根据交易场所是否是集中性的以及 期权合约 是否标准化, 期权 可分为 场内期权 和 场外期权 。
Hedge and hence protect a portfolio against a decline in assets Enhance returns on a portfolio Profit from the rise or fall of an ETF by taking advantage of leverage ETF options are standardized put and call options on underlying ETFs. Minimum trade size is one option contract, with each cont...
Evaluation of FTSE options on the LIFFE exchange, including the modelling of early exercise (wild card option). Graphical modification of volatility skews. Full risk analysis (including scenario analysis). Risk broken down into individual contracts and strikes. Pricing sheets can be easily adjusted fo...
and when funds in the margin account are below a predetermined margin requirement, requesting the customer deposit additional funds in the margin account, receiving a request to exercise the option on the TBA mortgage backed security from a customer owning the option on the TBA mortgage backed secu...
exchange traded option市场交易选择权 见listed option. closed end type闭端式 closed end trust【经】 有固定资金的投资信托公司 closed end fund限额基金 closed end mortgage限额型抵押,闭口抵押 closed end resonator闭端式谐振控 closed end appropriaton限额拨款 ...
Define Exchange Traded. Exchange Traded synonyms, Exchange Traded pronunciation, Exchange Traded translation, English dictionary definition of Exchange Traded. n. Abbr. ETF An index fund whose shares trade continuously on a securities exchange and allow
Understanding Exchange-Traded Options An exchange-traded option is a standardized contract to either buy (using acall option), or sell (using aput option) a set quantity of a specific financial product, on, or before, a predetermined date for a predetermined price (thestrike price). ...