被誉为革命性的投资产品,全称为exchangetraded funds,中文称为:交易型开放式指数证券投资基金,简单来说,ETF是一种将跟踪指数证券化,并在证券交易所买卖,为投资者提供参与指数表现的开放式基金产品。 沪深300ETF使得投资者可以像买卖股票一样投资沪深300指数,是指数化投资最便捷最有效的工具,是证券市场核心的标准化产品。
指数股(ETF)是 Exchange Traded Funds的英文缩写,中文简称“交易所交易基金”,其核心特点是可以像股票一样交易指数,故也称为“指数股”。 ETF(Exchange-Traded Fund)是一种在交易所上市交易的基金,它通常旨在复制特定的指数、商品、债券或一组资产的表现。与传统的共同基金不同,ETF结合了基金和股票的特性,其股份在...
ETF是Exchange Traded Fund的英文缩写,中文称为“交易型开放式指数基金”,又称“指数股”。ETF是一种指数投资工具,通过复制标的指数来构建跟踪指数变化的组合证券,使得投资者通过买卖一种产品就实现了一揽子证券的交易。简单来说,ETF是一种将跟踪指数证券化,并在证券交易所买卖的开放式基金产品。 我们可以从“交易+指...
may be worth more or less than the original cost. Investors will incur usual and customary brokerage commissions when buying or selling shares of the exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”) in the secondary market, and that, if reflected, the brokerage commissions would reduce the performance returns. ...
As a leading provider of ETFs in Canada, CI GAM offers a comprehensive suite of exchange traded solutions to deliver market-beating risk adjusted returns.
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are publicly-traded securities that tracks a specific index, sector, commodity (e.g. gold), or an underlying collection of assets. How Do Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) Work ETFs can be thought of as marketable securities that track the price of assets within a ...
exchange-traded funds 交易所交易基金 例:The creation of exchange-traded funds that hold bullion has also helped.黄金交易所交易基金的建立也起到了推波助澜的作用。
exchange-traded fund (redirected fromExchange traded funds) Also found in:Thesaurus,Financial,Acronyms,Encyclopedia. ex·change-trad·ed fund (ĭks-chānj′trā′dĭd) n.Abbr.ETF An index fund whose shares trade continuously on a securities exchange and allow investors to speculate on the perfor...
译文 交易所交易基金
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are a type of investment fund that can help you diversify your portfolio; lower your overall risk exposure; help you focus your investments on certain industries, indexes, sectors or strategies; and in some instances, produce income. These funds provide another means...