Namespace: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration Assembly: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory (in Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.dll) Syntax C# 复制 [SerializableAttribute] public sealed class Pop3AdConfiguration : PopImapAdConfiguration Thread Safety Any public static (Shared in Visu...
1、在 exchange server 2007 中管理 pop3 和 imap4 协 议访问概述:exchange server 2007相比exchange server2003做了非常大的改进。但有些改动让我 们又爱又恨,例如:对pop3和imap4协议的支持与配置。众所周知,在邮件领域pop3和imap4协议是我们使用最多的协议,也是我们最为熟悉、 最易用的协议,虽然它的功能不是...
Configuring your new Exchange 2003 server for internet email with POPcon for downloading the email from POP3 mailboxes isn't hard if you just do it step by step as shown in this configuration sample. In this guide we will step through a sample installation of Exchange 2003 for a company ...
Server(Inherited fromADEmailTransport.) SSLBindings(Inherited fromPopImapAdConfiguration.) SuppressReadReceipt(Inherited fromPopImapAdConfiguration.) UnencryptedOrTLSBindings(Inherited fromPopImapAdConfiguration.) WhenChanged(Inherited fromADObject.) WhenChangedUTC(Inherited fromADObject.) ...
The proxy server first looks up the assigned pod server (Client Access server), and then authenticates against that.POP3 and IMAP4 cross-site connectivityIn earlier versions of Exchange, you had to perform a manual configuration step to allow your POP3 and IMAP4 clients to connect to their ...
In previous versions of Exchange, you had to perform a manual configuration step to allow POP3 and IMAP4 clients to connect to their mailboxes from one site to another. You can't use the Anonymous or Guest accounts to access an Exchange 2016 or Exchange 2019 mailbox by using POP3 or ...
MailboxServerIdParameter Fqdn Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupConfiguration DatabaseAvailabilityGroupConfigurationIdParameter Fqdn New-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupConfiguration Fqdn Int32 String Remove-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupConfiguration DatabaseAvailabilityGroupConfigurationIdParameter Fqdn Set...
bound to your Exchange servers (such as Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access, RPC over HTTP communication from Outlook 2003 clients, Outlook Mobile Access, Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3), Internet Message Access Protocol version 4rev1 (IMAP4), and so on) is processed by the ISA Server....
Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.LoginOptions 此參數可指定執行 POP3 服務之 Client Access Server 所使用的驗證設定。可能的值如下: 1:PlainTextLogin 2:PlainTextAuthentication 3:SecureLogin MaxCommandSize 選用 System.Int32 此參數指定單一命令的大小上限。預設大小為 40 個位元組。可能值從...
Server 可选 Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.ServerIdParameter 该参数指定组织中要为其指定 POP3 设置的单个客户端访问服务器。 SSLBindings 可选 Microsoft.Exchange.Data.MultiValuedProperty 如果指定了该参数,cmdlet 将返回用于安全套接字层 (SSL) 会话 的 IP 端口。 UnencryptedOrTLSBindings 可选 Microsoft...