I ask about a possible DDoS attack on my server, it gets closed because it's "opinion based". What opinion are you talking about? I'm asking a simple question! I post a very elaborate question about a coding problem I had. It gets closed because according to some moderator, it's a...
Get-Mailbox -Server "TARGETSERVER" | Get-ADPermission | where { ($_.IsInherited -eq $false) -and ($_.User -like “LEGACYDOMAIN\*") } | Remove-ADPermission -confirm:$false Get-Mailbox -Server "TARGETSERVER" | Get-MailboxPermission | where { ($_.IsInherited -eq $false) -and...
Microsoft provides guidance on how to restore the following — a single mailbox from a database backup, an Exchange Server, a DAG Member Server and dial tone portability, which can solve failures of a mailbox database, server or entire site. Use these procedures regularly to understand the p...
In an on-premises physical system that is hosting Exchange Server, untrusted users are allowed to upload and run arbitrary JavaScript code. In this scenario, we strongly recommended IBC to protect against process-to-process information disclosure. In si...
Exchange Server guidance to protect against speculative execution side-channel vulnerabilities Applies To Exchange Server 2016 Standard EditionExchange Server 2016 Enterprise EditionExchange Server 2013 Standard CALExchange Server 2013 Enterprise EditionExchange Server 2010 StandardExchange...
Microsoft Teams must be aware whether the mailbox is hosted on Exchange Online, on-premises, or in a hybrid Exchange server deployment. Teams services call the Exchange Online services through an Autodiscover V2 call, which is redirected to on-premises servers hosting the mailbox in a hyb...
It completes the whole Exchange migration, and I could safely migrate mailboxes from one Exchange Server to another. And from my experience with the tool, I would say that it has been developed for Exchange admins to perform a safe & secure migration.Read full review... ...
While Setup enables EP by default, itdoes notvalidate that your organization is ready for or able to use EP. To validate that your organization is ready, please review the following before running Setup: Exchange Server Health Checker scriptor the new PrerequisitesCheckOnly paramete...
WACSERVER ServerError [url:UREDACTED_(3AyqGr3v459TFiFE+E46KM/aSp6aBN6Ge0qGPQANrqI=)] 8b624c18-5b1c-4e22-9993-ebc1d28831d12024-03-1811:37:39.74w3wp.exe#WebWordViewer (0x1514) 0x542C Hosted Office Online WAC Hosting Interaction adhsk Unexpected WOPI CheckFile:...
Next I went through every log file on every server to look for failed login attempts. If you find anything document it. Then I would force ALL USERS to change their passwords and enforce a policy that does not allow words from a dictionary as a password. I had to convince management of...