Exchange Server 2019 即将迎来其生命周期的终点 (End of Life),许多用户都非常关注谁将成为其继任者。现在,微软已经给出了明确的答案:Exchange Server 2019 的继任者是Exchange Server 订阅版。 什么是Exchange Server 订阅版? Exchange Server 订阅版 是 Microsoft Exchange Server 的下一个版本,将于 2025 年第三...
Exchange Server 2003 End-of-life After April 8, 2014, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates, offer free or paid support options, or update online content such as KB articles for Exchange Server 2003. Online content may remain available as long as Exchange 2003 remains in the Self...
Exchange Server 2003 End-of-life After April 8, 2014, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates, offer free or paid support options, or update online content such as KB articles for Exchange Server 2003. Online content may remain available as long as Exchange 2003 remains in the Self...
Exchange Server 2003 End-of-life Forward migration options Welcome to the Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Technical Documentation Library, your source for guidelines and information from the Microsoft Exchange Server team, including technical reference material, case studies, security guides, developer resourc...
Exchange Server 2003 End-of-life Forward migration options Welcome to the Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Technical Documentation Library, your source for guidelines and information from the Microsoft Exchange Server team, including technical reference material, case studies, security guides, developer resourc...
若要创建新的自签名证书,请参阅创建新的Exchange Server自签名证书。 在此证书的“友好名称”页上,输入证书的描述性名称,然后选择“下一步”。 在“申请通配符证书”页面上,选择下列选项之一: 如果需要通配符证书:选择“请求通配符证书”,然后在“根域”框中输入通配符 (*) 和域,例如 * 或 *.eu....
Exchange Server 2003 End-of-life Forward migration options Welcome to the Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Technical Documentation Library, your source for guidelines and information from the Microsoft Exchange Server team, including technical reference material, case studies, security guides, developer resourc...
將您的 Exchange Server 2010 伺服器移轉至內部部署伺服器上的 Exchange Server 2016。 重要 如果您的組織選擇將信箱移轉至 Microsoft 365,但計劃保留 DirSync 或 Microsoft Entra Connect,以繼續從 內部部署的 Active Directory 管理用戶帳戶,您必須至少保留一部內部部署 Microsoft Exchange 伺服器。 如果...
針對 Exchange Server 2016 CU23 和 Exchange Server 2019 CU12 至 CU14,請使用 Exchange 管理命令介面 (EMS) 程式。開啟EAC並流覽至 [伺服器憑證>]。 在[選取伺服器] 下拉式清單中,選取您要安裝憑證的 Exchange 伺服器,然後選取[ [新增 Exchange 憑證精靈] 隨即開啟。 在[ 此精靈將建立新的...
Exchange Server 2003 End-of-life After April 8, 2014, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates, offer free or paid support options, or update online content such as KB articles for Exchange Server 2003. Online content may remain available as long as Exchange 2003 remains in the Self...